What features to look for when selecting Web 2.0 Tools and Resources for the iGeneration


Gardner believes that most educational tasks focus on using the verbal linguistic intelligences and disadvantage students whose strengths lie in differnt intelligences. By selecting Web 2.0 tools that cater for a variety of intelligences and carefully designing taks we allow more studentsan equal display their depth of understanding. Once one reflects on one’s educational values and states one’s educational goals, however, then the putative existence of our multiple intelligences can prove very helpful. And, in particular, if one’s educational goals encompass disciplinary understanding, then it is possible to mobilize our several intelligences to help achieve that lofty goal; for example, by employing multiple modes of presentation and various avenues of assessment.

Evaluating iGeneration iTools

Cross Curricular Possibilities


Cross Curricular Possibilities enable the learner to link their learning both to prior knowledge and make connections across curricula. They can develop a set transferrable technology skills and have the opportunity to use the tool again in a different context which ensures it is all about the pedagogy not the technology. Teachers from different faculties can co-plan challenging tasks that satisfy different standards and learning outcomes for different subjects in the ACARA curriculum to allow the students to engage in authentic learning in a crowded curriculum

could be used in different faculties

caters to cross curricular possibilities

transferrable skill set



Sociability is an important feature that allows the student to make connections between school life and real life .The students need opportunities for reflection , immediate feedback, the ability to refine and modify tasks based on feedback. The emotional component is an important consideration to engage the learners in acitivities in which their is a link to their personal interests.Nelson, KJ. (2008).

caters for reflection

allows peer to peer interaction

able to be shared in a safe environment

Valuable End Product


Being challenged to create a quality end product that is meaningful and engages students in knowledge and information aggregation is a powerful motivator for successful deep learning.Burden, K and Atkinson, S. (2008).

end product is quality

timeframe to end product is reasonable

end product demonstrates personality of creator

end product evidences deep learning

Open Endedness


Evaluation Citeria Open Ended "Technologies should not support learning by attempting to instruct the learners, but rather should be used as knowledge construction tools thatstudents learn with, not from " ( Jonasson,D (1996)Open ended Web Tools allow students to explore various methods of demonstrating their knowledge and are suited to a wide range of skills and abilities encountered in a classroom. They foster the development of creative and critical thinking, communication, collaboration and probelm solving skills required of a 21st century learner. ( ATC21S , 2012)Jonassen, D.H. (1996). Computers in the classroom: Mindtools for critical thinking.Columbus, OH: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.ATC21S (2012) What Are 21st Century Skills? 21s.org/index.php/about/what-are-21st-century-skills/

resource affordances only bounded by the imagination of the user

able to export to other tools for augmentation

choice of direction

fosters deep understanding

able to link to prior knowledge

User Friendly


The Web tools will only be effective if they are designed user friendly, with an intuitive GUI that allows the user to easily discover the affordances of the tools. Students are encouraged and engaged if they can create a project easily and discover tools intuitively. Video tutorials and screen captures support the learner to become independent learners and free up the time of the teacher to engage meaningfully in quality individual discussions to encourage deep learning and explorations. iRubric (2011). Evaluation of Web 2.0 tools. www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm

easy to navigate

initial creation of project is easy

tutorials available

screenshots available

tools are intuitive

Multiple Intelligences


Gardner believes that most educational tasks focus on using the verbal linguistic intelligences and disadvantage students whose strengths lie in differnt intelligences. By selecting Web 2.0 tools that cater for a variety of intelligences and carefully designing taks we allow more studentsan equal display their depth of understanding. "Once one reflects on one’s educational values and states one’s educational goals, however, then the putative existence of our multiple intelligences can prove very helpful. And, in particular, if one’s educational goals encompass disciplinary understanding, then it is possible to mobilize our several intelligences to help achieve that lofty goal; for example, by employing multiple modes of presentation and various avenues of assessment."http://howardgardner01.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/intro-frames-of-mind_30-years.pdf


fosters artistic creativity

promotes critical thinking

ers for verbal linguistic skills

provides opportunities for reflection

good use of collaboration tools