Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot By: Bill O'Reilly & Martin Dugard

Lyndon Baines Johnson
Vice President
Hated by the Kennedy's
He had little to no power in most situations because he wasn't respected by anyone in the White House.
After Kennedy's Death he was inaugurated as the 36th President of the United States.
He was President Until 1968 when he decided he didn't want to run again.

Lee Harvey Oswald
Shot JFK 3 times with his rifle
Defected to Russia in 1959
Returned to the U.S. in 1962 with a wife and daughter
He attempted to kill General Walker and missed.
He was angry that his name wasn't known.
Before he was tried he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby.

Bobby Kennedy
He was appointed as Attorney General by his brother
When JFK died he continued to be AG for another 9 months.
Campaigned for president and had a very successful run but was shot by Sirhan Sirhan in 1968.
Brother to JFK
Was referred to as assistant president.
Many still believe that Oswald didn't act alone
Oswald commented saying that he was just a patsy.
A patsy is someone whose guilt was set up to advance a crime.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Born May 29,1917
Died November 22nd, 1963
He was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on a campaigning trip to try and win over Dallas voters. He was shot first on the back of his lower neck and due to his back brace he wasn't knocked down from the force of the bullet making the second shot to the head much easier for Oswald.

The path of JFK's escort.
In 1943 JFK was in the Navy on a ship called the PT-109,
the ship collided with another ship Amagiri.
Accompanied by two other ships Pt162 and Pt 169 both were sunk.
Two of the others on the ship where very badly burned.
JFK took a life jacket strap in his teeth and towed them to a nearby island and it took him 5 hours.

Inaugurated as POTUS January 20th, 1961
He had many affairs most notable Marylin Monroe
JFK as well as LBJ supported Martin Luther King Jr. in his civil rights movement. But he was very nervous that the civil rights leader would lose his cause "You must be careful not to lose your cause" "If they shoot you down they'll shoot us down, too. So be careful" (pg.181)
Although he was not to eager to help lead the fight for civil rights. JFK was scared that advocating for civil rights would hurt his image in the democratic party.
Launched bay of Pigs
A failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro
The word Camelot is repeated through out the book
I believe that Camelot is supposed to represent the seemingly perfect life of JFK.

Jackie Kennedy
She died on May 19th, 1994
Remarried to Aristotle Onassis in 1968.
He died 7 years later in 1975.
Loved around the world.
Some say that she is the main reason he got elected.
Wife of JFK