consists of
What is it?

Multimodal literacy

It could also be defined as the process of literacy by means of the different elements or multimedia tools to which we have access today, enhancing the different skills needed in the learning process.

The theory of multimodality

the ability to perceive better characteristics in screen readings than in written texts. It has a "radial navigation" from which processes differ where the student can trace image, language and music, key aspects for the easy retention of information.

Social Changes

Expand programming understandings for literacy learning within print and digital communication environments

Programs in different curricular areas

Learning and shaping future classrooms

Practice to remodel the pedagogy of literacy.


Talking and listening

It allows to create negotiations
between students to create contents
taking into account characteristics of
a specific audience


It allowed different levels of
literal and inferential critical comprehension. In addition to
the recognition of phonemes
words and vocabulary


Allowed the hierarchy in the production of texts, in addition to different alternatives of easy access and retentivity in the production of texts

Better copywriting

Better text production


Better Design