Leadership Map

Customer understanding

Understand current field performance

Work with PLM to gather field outage/E1 metrics

Perform RCA's on top issues

Work with Customer operations to evaluate their network growth / maintenance plans

Explore new opportunities

Work with Customer technology group/PA to understand Customer growth plans

Evaluate opportunities for new customers/ increase market share

Get CAPEX and OPEX informaiton of lead custoemrs to evaluate cost reduction projects for increasing margins

Financial planning

Review Capital / Expense items

Take action if overspend,

Review Resource spend/ profile for this year and next

Align the resource profile with projections for next year.

Ensure Buget aligns with that allocated.

Product Development

Invest/Maintain good Product Development Enviornment

Identify areas of improving productivity, e.g reduce compile times etc.

Invest in Lab/Tools infrastructure

Automate labs / test for quick test/ continous testing

Use labs 24*7 for good test coverage and max efficiency


Improve ESAT/Motivation

Understand drivers

Take actions to improve ESAT and increase retention

Involve / Empower team

Create a fun/energetic enviornment



Have one on one meetings to review aspirations/issues/concerns

Have AEM's to reveiw general dept philosphies/principles/roadmaps etc.

Skip level meetings to reveiw issues/concersn from extended teams

Product/Project related

Knowledge sharing sessions on produc/project

Email/Newsletter on overall produc/project and general info.

Tranining / Competence Development

Identify training plan for the year

IDentify soft skills to be taught

Change adaptbility


Effective Comm

Technical skills to be learnt



Organization Structure

Establish Crediblity/Trust

Open communication

Identify people mgr/coach /mentor

Form Small / efficient teams

Establish independent / self contained teams

Empower teams

Remove obstacles in fast/effetive decision making

Ensure corss functional co-operation

Encourage teams to mingle and be friendly

Remove barriers/silos in org structure

No interface taams/roles

Encourage Innovation

Keep up with tech trends

Make time for innovation

Fund innovation


Groom your leaders

Have a buisnes continuity plans, with backups identified


Encourage culture for feedback and postive recognition

Project /Release Development

Develop estimates and project plans

Track forecast Vs Actuals project plans for historical data in future

Adapt to churn based on early customer feedback

Track status of projects on a weekly basis

Report progress to higher ups, and ohter inferface teams.

Identify issues/risks and come up with mitigation plans

Establish accountability at team level

Ensure resources are trainied and have the required infratsturcure


Have appropriate communication like status meetings etc t

Dash board/bulletin to communicat status/top issues

Explore innovative ways to improve time to marrket

Keep track of quality issues to nesure the product meets the qulaity criteria.

Communicate the vision and establish the urgency that is needed.

Process Manager

Make team aware of the development process

Verify team is following the process

Improve process by eliminating waste

Update process by tracking actual needs and churn

Establish metrics on success and areas of improvement

Strategy/Prodcut Evolution

Evaluate DEsign for Supportability/Ease of use opportunities

Evaluate needs for maintianing and improving quality in all areas

Evaluate opportunities based on standards and other sources to evolve product to satisfy future customer needs.

Leadership Framework


Customer Undersanding

Planning and Exceution


Strategic thinking



Bring the best in all

Motivate / Enaget people



Breakdown silos

Mobilize teams

Change Adaptability


Develop one self

Be adaptable