Political tolerance
Everyone is equal no matter race, ethnicity, and religion
tolerance to everyone including minorities
all voices are valued
People not in power allowed to organize and share their opinions
Accountability and transparency
Representatives are accountable for their actions
Adult citizens have the opportunity to run for political office
No obstacles to voting and no threats made to citizens
elections each 5 years or less
Opposition and government debate
Nelson Mandela
1993 protests
1993 protests. 2
Inquiry into the use of the emergencies act
Main topic
Human rights and equality
freedom of opinion and expression
freedom of religion
rights for peaceful protests
Rule of law
Equality, fair, and consistent
Governments cant punish people unless they broke the law
Everyone must respect the law of land
Ice removal stopped due to cost before Olivier Bruneau's death, foreman testifies
Free and fair elections
Adult citizens are allowed to vote in elections
Adult citizens are allowed to run for political office
no obstacles to voting
elections every 5 years or less
right to vote
Citizen participation
citizen participation is more than a right
Participation includes voting in elections, being an informed citizen, debating in issues, attending community meetings, paying taxes, etc.