Online education

Online education

Daphne Koller's opinion

Daphne Koller's opinion

People with limited possibilities
can get high education.

Amazing talent can be found anywhere.

Dignity of Coursera

This courses are free!!!

Huge number of people can
attend in the same time on the same class.

Coursera takes the best courses
from the best instructors at the best universities

Students have real course experience.
Real grade with real deadlines.

At the end of course students get a certificate.

Chance for a better job.

Chance for better life.

Students can break material into shot units.

Much more personalize curriculum.

Courses has retrieval practice into the platform.

Students can watch and listen materials
of the lectures as much as needed.

Unusual effective way of control.
High level and high quality of it.

There is question and answer forum.

Students got to interact with each other in many ways.

Quality of online education can be
almost the same as education with using of tutoring.

My own opinion

My own opinion


People with limited possibilities
can get high education.

Some courses are free.

Some courses give extremely
high quality of knowledge.

It is a chance to get acquainted with new
people from different countries with
the same interests as you have.

You can choose time and place of your lessons.

Even though you don’t get any
documents at the end of course,
you get irreplaceable experience.

You have wide choice of the courses.


Not every course gives certificate or
other document at the end of the course.

Sometimes questions needs lecturer’s
answer only but you can’t ask him directly

For most popular courses
(with high level of quality)
you need to know foreign languages.

If you pay for some course have some risk.
There is always probability that you pay for a fake.