Baby Boomers
born between

LGBTQ Social Oppression

Stigma, Discrimination, Marginalization,
Violence, Racism, Oppression,
Social Isolation

Social Determinants of Health Disparities

Increased rates of Poverty,
Increased rates of Social Isolation,
Sense of alienation.

Mental, Physical, Reproductive/
Sexual Health Disparities

Increased Risk of Depression,
Increasesd Risk of financial anxiety,
Increased Risk of cognitive aging,
Decreased Research on Reproductive & Sexual Health needs.

Quality of Healthcare

Increased risk of Poorer Health Outcomes,

Historical Facts


1919-1921: U.S.. Navy sting operation against "sexual perverts"2010s: U.S. Military "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"1973: APA removes homosexuality from DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)1978: Openly gay, elected official Harvey Milk is assassinated1997: Federal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) becomes law2011: NY legalizes same-sex marriage2012: Maine, Maryland, and Washington legalize same-sex marriage2015: Same-sex marriage becomes legal across the U.S.

Millennials born between 1981-1996 have
greater legal and social inclusion.




1919-1921: U.S.. Navy sting operation against "sexual perverts"

2010s: U.S. Military "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

1973: APA removes homosexuality from DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders)

1978: Openly gay, elected official Harvey Milk is assassinated

1997: Federal DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) becomes law

2011: NY legalizes same-sex marriage

2012: Maine, Maryland, and Washington legalize same-sex marriage

2015: Same-sex marriage becomes legal across the U.S.