Outlawing Nicotine Products/ Vaping

Too many minors are using

Teens who have never used a
nicotine product prior are picking
this habit up, when that is not the
intended use.

There have been several cases of teen
death due to using vape products that are
full of super unhealthy additives.

Harmful products in the vape juices

Nicotine, again, is HIGHLY addictive.

There are all kinds of additives, like heavy
metals, that pose all types of health risks

Products that are bought from third-party places

Not knowing the products used in the juice
you are using is really dangerous.

Lung Illnesses

EVALI, or e-cigarette or vaping product use associated
illness, is a lung disease that is known to be caused by vaping.

This is a recently named illness and apparently has
similar symptoms to pneumonia.

The original reason for vaping

Vapes were created for cigarette
addicts to quit smoking

Now, more people who never even intended on
smoking cigarettes have a nicotine addiction.

Vaping can't be more harmful than
smoking cigarettes

Vape products don't contain tobacco

They do contain nicotine,
which is a highly addictive drug.

The Unknown

Everything about this product is a mystery;
what if it is worse than cigarettes?

It hasn't been around long enough to know all
of the possible affects