Project Parkway 3.0

Student Well-Being

Increase student belonging in school through a focus on relationship.

Establish measures & values to teacher-student relationship-buffering in time to build rapport

Create relationships maps to identify targeted adults (see work of USIM (Ameren, U Michigan))

Develop systems to support student well being and relationships

Dedicated time in the schedule for informal gather of teachers with students and students with students-device free

Create "families" students across generations who stay & meet in a group regularly year to year

Ensure staff have development around social-emotional well-being, student mental health, and related issues.

Grow your own staff in regards to SE health & well being

PD for Staff

Classroom teachers need more understanding with trama: informed approaches

Train teaching staff to recognize mental health related issues

District development well-being/SE Systematic PD plan required

Create external partnerships and grow internal capacity to meet growing demand for mental health services.

Increase staffing for counseling and mental health to support growing needs.

Access to screeners in all grade levels with more resources: counselors, access to outside agencies (mental health)

Providing more support for students who need wrap around services

Telehealth for students-virtual counseling instead of leavng

Could we partner with local mental health professionals& have folks come into the school (cut down on being late/oput for appointments)

Ensure safe, welcoming learning environments to proactively address social-emotional concerns before they arise.

Create more welcoming spaces with things like flexible seating and student voice into the learning process.

Personalization and Real-World Connection

Expand the pathways available for students both in how the learn the Parkway curriculum and how they prepare for success beyond school.

Trade School/Vocational route @ middle schools

Ensure students have options in their learning pathway in every Parkway building as early as 3rd grade.

Speed up the creation of extended Learning opportunities for all students

Present kids with more career/post-secondary options

More field trips, a wider variety of speakers, and other opportunities that allow students to explore careers and extend learning

Create high school pathways, possibly connected to existing options, that lead to certification degrees

Academies need to me extended to every building.

Grow opportunities for students to gain exposure to real world use of their learning during their school experience.

Embed oppotunites for students to go into the community & apply the skills they learned

Grow our local business outreach to provide real world choices and opportunities for students.

Reduce the amount of curriculum in order to increase the amount of real-world opportunities our students have.

Building opportunities that extend beyond internships and Spark! for mentorships from figures in the community

Increase partnerships in the community

Increase the amount of scheduling options for high school students to be more like a college campus.

Consider flexible schedules, later afternoon classes, etc.

Provide blended learning options and virtual options within the school day.

Allow students to move between schools for various classes.

Stagger start times to allow more student voice into their schedule.

Provide more staff opportunities for learning around innovative and flexible learning approaches.

More training for ALL in P.L

Help teachers get unstuck in their thinking about school

Development for staff to connect experiences to learning

Increase personalized learning at more schools while including development for staff

Resource Allocation


Build new schools that match the value the community places on Parkway.

Restructure the entire district by rethinking areas, decreasing the number of buildings, & use money to rethink how we approach student learning oppotunities

Consider facility-planning district-wide rather than school-by-school.

More natural light & wider spaces

Flexible spaces-Collaborative

Long term 25+ year multi bond issue facilites plan

Use students and outside experts to design compelling learning enviroments

Learning Spaces: Furniture? Walls? Size of buildings


Rethink and re-evaluate our long-term recruitment plan inclucing current structures and incentives to draw and recruit staff

Expand and invest in the grow your own program

Commit to being leader in salary for ALL staff/jobs not only teachers-always get data to learn what the competitive salary ranges are & respond

Targeted insentives for people to apply especially alums-possible epmloyment guarantee

We need to allocate more resources--particularly pay--to our support staff


Create new revenues & community partnerships such as enabling alumni donations.

Enable Alumni Donations

Money not from fundraising

Create clarity around district standards vs building responsibilities when PTOs are not able to support

Creat an all Parkway PTO to raise money for the whole district, not indivdural schools

Options to improve food (seed to table, high quality diet for students)

More Creative food options such as new vendors, food trucks etc.

Nutrition/Food Service

Options to improve food (seed to table, high quality diet for students)

More Creative food options such as new vendors, food trucks etc.


Curriculum should be so clear and vertically aligned that it can be flexibly delivered while ensuring the same essential standards are met by each student.

Develop and implement competency-based approaches to learning that empower students take ownership over mastering the essential standards.

Continue developing competency-based learning in order to personalized for what students need.

Redesign course delivery to make rigorous learning available to all students.

Develop co-teaching models at elementary.

Use a competency-based approach and provide development to make sure it's happening at all levels.

Identify and implement ways, beyond grades, for students to demonstrate their learning.

Develop ways to assess students outside of/beyond grades and GPA

Implement student self-assessment portfolios.

Ensure grades are directly connected to student learning

Develop and implement a system of supports to ensure all students are mastering the essential standards.

Develop a consistent system of support to keep students from falling through the cracks.

Identify what is currently missing in our continuum of supports and develop a plan (i.e. math support is less than reading support).

Acknowledge we're not meeting the needs of all students

Focus on current gaps and areas and develop processes to close them.

In developing a system, ensure the processes and language are consistent across elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools, respectively.

Commitment to Equity

Ensure both what students are learning (curriculum) and how students are learning it (instruction) are inclusive of all students.

Curriculum should be inclusive and reflective of our student body.

Strong universal instruction designed to engage and meet the needs of all students and ensure each student is achieving.

Increase participation in dual credit, AP, and honors courses to they reflect the student body.

Generate clear outcomes around equity and adjust work to meet those objectives.

Prioritize, set, and monitor clear goals around equity.

Revisit the equity task force work to identify SMART Goals related to priority work.

Commit to a recruitment and retention plan that leads to diverse candidate pools for both certified and operations positions.

Recruitment: Develop a more creative, proactive, assertive recruitment plan.

Retention: Support and learn from candidates from diverse backgrounds on how to retain candidates who represent our population..

Develop staff in their ability to recognize and address inequities as well as deliver instruction that values each individual.

Grow staff members' ability to recognize and address inequities.

Identify and develop staff on clear practices that ensure each student is supported and their culture is valued.