The Morris’ Ideal Organization: Workplace or Facility

Management Skills

Management Skills

McClelland's Theory of Needs

Need for Achievement: manager can set standards

Need for Power

Need for Affiliation: desire for close relationships; manager to friend relationship

Self Determination

Promotion Focus

Reinforcement Theory

Operant Conditioning

Pygmalion Effect: a way of positive persuasion

Self Fulfilling Prophecy: believing in the truth

Prevention Focus

Self Efficacy Theory

enactive mastery/ vicarious modeling are adequate ways of communication for managers

easier to remember

Job Characteristic Model; motivating potential score

helps induce a higher job performance

Power Tactics

Political Skills: important to operate the company fluidly.

Organizational Development: necessary to create the effectiveness of the company in entirety.

Monitor Role

A monitor form of management is the most suitable form of management for any business. The monitor is considered to be the nerve center of the internal and external information of the organization.

A monitor form of management receives a variety of information to designate to the employees and the contacts outside of the company

A monitor is able to move the company towards the main goal by helping employees develop into successful individuals.
The ability to control task is also significant for this role. The monitor is in control of the database for the company including being notified when employees are sick, vacationing, or moving forward within the company.

Having a monitor role creates an equal based environment in the workplace. Although there is a system of power, monitoring employees instead of being a figurehead or a dictator allows for employees to advance within a company by developing a greater work ethic.

A monitor form of management receives a variety of information to designate to the employees and the contacts outside of the company

Technical skills is essential for management because those attributions form expertise. Interpersonal skills are credible assets to have within a manger. These skills allow for a managerial candidate to be hired with experience.

Human skills are the most important aspect to have because those are skills essential for communication. These skills also demonstrate the way a manager can work with a group. Another essential characteristic for managers to have.
Conceptual skills is the second most important aspect of being a manager. The mental capacity to analyze and properly react to any situation. Ex: problem solving, identifying issues first hand, and finding alternative ideas for any or all situations.

Fred Luthan developed a theory stating that organizations have their own take on what the best form of management may be (Pearson 2017).

Traditional: a manager who can decision make, plan, and control

Communication: verbally exchanging information as well as transcribing information

Human Resource: motivating, disciplinary, conflict resolving, being able to staff employees, and having the ability to train

Networking: being sociable, political, and being able to interact with others

Organizational Policies


Positive Core Evaluation

Having positive job conditions such as reasonable wages, respect for others values, respect of religion, and self, as well as being sociable with employees creates a positive working environment.


An employee must know how to control their moods. Having a positive temperament is critical for a well structured organization.

Moral Emotions
Response to occuring events differ in everyone. Valuing both the employer and employees moral obligations is essential. There should also be a sense of compassion for others but also, valuable reasoning at all times.

Emotional Labor
The expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal events [in the workplace].
Employers should not pacify employees when this form of expression is shown but an employer will sympathize for each employee with limitation.

Emotional Intelligence
All persons within the corporation must regulate all emotions with emotional intelligence.
EI being the ability to perceive emotions, understand them, and regulate them properly (Pearson 2017).


Having a company policy based off of the situational strength theory allows for fairness within the workplace. This concepts also contributes to the lack of discrimination or favoritism that can occur within a workplace.
Incorporating the value system is a positive asset to the situational strength theory. Understanding the intensity, what is valuable, good, desirable, or simply what is right can also correspond to the morality of the company.


Adequate resources derive from team building activities. Leadership and structure can occur throughout teams.

Characteristics that derive from teamwork: the ability of the members, each persons personality, roles, diversity, culture, the size of the team and the preferences of each member. All can positively effect the growth of the company.

Processes of a Team: goals, efficiency, identity, mental models, conflict, and the social loafing concept.

Maintaining Stress: by allowing individuals to voice their own opinion but remain within the rules of the company, stress is limited.

Organizational Policies

Traits Theory of Leadership:important for the quality of the workplace

Need for good leaders

Fiedler Contingency Model: match of leadership styles to workers is critical within the workplace. This relationship depends on style of leadership is effective for the group.

Task/ relationship oriented

Task/ relationship oriented

Transformational Leadership: creativity, responsibility, taking the proper risks, compensation (long term), and again setting goals are important for the quality of leadership.

Authentic Leaders

Charismatic Leadership: ethical relationship to teamwork and conduct for team members

Trust: dependent of leadership is to have trust and to be trusted by peers as well as those individuals within the company.

Functional Conflict: supports the goal of the group although there can be negative effects

Mediator, arbitrator, and conciliator

Organizational Climate: organizational response within the workplace along with the habits of the workers.

Ethical Work Climate: important for the advancement of the workplace by justifying right or wrong organizational values

Ethical Climate Index: associated with the dimensions of ethical climate. To create the conduct of the workplace, the index must be asserted. Caring, laws, codes, independence, and rules.

Organizational Spirituality: acknowledgment of each individuals spiritual belief

benevolence. purposeful, trust, respect, and open-mindedness from management and workers.

Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator

Each manager would take the Myers-Briggs assessment to understand who they are and how the feel for others. This system will help management indicate how to properly handle situations, value employees, and value themselves.



Feeling (minor)


Analytical Skills

High Standards: for the company

Communication Skills



Listening Skills

Communication Skills
Have an eye for attention to detail

Teamwork Skills



Analytical Skills

High levels of enthusiasm

High Standards: for themselves

Listening skills

Status and Group Interaction is responsible for the assertiveness of high status people

Workplace Characteristics

Economic Pressure/ Globalization

Workforce Diversity
The ability to be a diverse company is essential for comfobility in employees and essential for the work environment.
This concept improves customer service by being able to interact with any group of people.
Employee attitude satisfaction also improves when diversity is established.
Customer-Responsive Culture Develops
With being a double minority myself, being apart of a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential to my own success. The comfobility within the work environment is essential to the success of a company. Being able to relate to all people is critical for a company's success.

A manager who has developed an environment that can remain stable through economic mishaps and economical advancements.
A workplace that will lack stress and will know how to cope with negative impacts at times.

Increase in diversity: working with people of different cultures and increasing foreign assignments.
The ability to develop the company/ organization within other countries (overseas).
The ability to adapt outside of cultural norms.
→ The ability to utilize low cost labor in product.


A workplace valuing ethical dilemmas and ethical choices are critical for a pleasant workplace. Good ethical behavior is considered to be misrepresented and not easily defined but managers need to be able to develop this concept to be able dictate a healthy workplace climate.
An organization must know how to work within an ethical dilemma without disrupting the workplace if need be.

dEthic is defined as the discipline dealing with what is considered to be good or bad in a oral obligation (Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2018).
A set of moral principles
The principles of govern within a group or an individual
Ethics: a set of moral issues/ aspects such as rightness
elete info


The workplace should not be a discriminative environment whether that be race, age, sex, religion, ethnicity, sexual harassment, or exclusion.
A workplace should not discriminate against an individual’s ability to do work physically or intellectually.


A positive attitude relevant to the success of a workplace. An attitude is a reflection about how people feel.
Festinger’s point of view indicating the use of cognitive dissonance is a key component to the success of an organization. Cognitive dissonance is the incompatibility individuals perceive between attitudes and or behaviors.
The importance of an attitude
Corresponding behavior
Social pressures

Perceived Organizational Values (POS) is a more suitable job attitude for an employer to example (Pearsons 2017).
Shows the value the workplace has for its employees
Cares about the wellbeing of the organization in response to each employee
Grants fair rewards for employees when decision making is needed
Provides a support system from each employer (ex: supervisor, manager. HR)

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Herzberg's Theory: reliable for self reports, methodology, and satisfaction.

Self Actualization
Social Belongingness

Intensity: concerned with how hard a person tries.
Direction: the orientation that benefits the organization.
Persistence: a measure of how long a person can maintain his/her effort.

Promotion Focus: strive for advancement and accomplishment towards the desired goal

Pay and Location

An in-office company is the best option although telecommuting can be granted on a case by case base.
Telecommuting Granted
Once every two to three months
Telecommuting decreases employment involvement as employees are not as engaged.

Equal pay must be granted regardless of appearance internally or externally.
Profit Sharing Pay
Flexible benefits: insurance

Pay and location are the least likely important aspects within a corporation because each individual has the qualifications to represent the company. There are no discrepancies

Workplace Characteristic (cont)

Role Expectations: characteristics of how someone should act, believe to act

Set norms for the group for a common set of behaviors

Norms and Emotion: help cooperate with social responsibility for managers and employees


Decision Making

knowledge, increase diversity and acceptance throughout the company



Groupthink and Groupshift: management of decisions throughout the company

Situations/ Occurrences: Having a company policy based off of the situational strength theory allows for fairness within the workplace. This concepts also contributes to the lack of discrimination or favoritism that can occur within a workplace.
Incorporating the value system is a positive asset to the situational strength theory. Understanding the intensity, what is valuable, good, desirable, or simply what is right can also correspond to the morality of the company.

An in-office company is the best option although telecommuting can be granted on a case by case base.
Telecommuting Granted




Once every two to three months

Telecommuting decreases employment involvement as employees are not as engaged.

Motivation: McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Need for Achievement (nAch): important for the advancement of a company past its own set goals. Drives all individuals involved in the corporation to succeed.
Self Determination
Theory is implemented to establish self-control. It also regulates the feeling for people to want to do work (Pearson 2017).


Innovation: continuation of growth within the company

Workplace Characteristics

term and long term, indicate a company that is self-driven, determined, and organized.

Promotion Focus
Key aspect for setting goals; this concept approaches advancements as well as accomplishments of a corporation.
Reinforcement Theory: consequences
Job Engagement

Having a positive feeling about a job from its characteristics is evident for a successful organization. This theory develops the concept of job involvement and psychological empowerment from identifying the importance of the job.
Employee Engagement
The concept of employee engagement is valued significantly in a well established workplace because the level of engagement an employee shows towards an employer, the greater the levels of satisfaction are.
Employee’s also show compassion to their higher ups and are typically more passionate about their job.

An employee must know how to control their moods. Having a positive temperament is critical for a well structured organization.
Moral Emotions

Response to occuring events differ in everyone. Valuing both the employer and employees moral obligations is essential. There should also be a sense of compassion for others but also, valuable reasoning at all times.

Emotional Labor
The expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal events [in the workplace].
Employers should not pacify employees when this form of expression is shown but an employer will sympathize for each employee with limitation.
Emotional Intelligence
All persons within the corporation must regulate all emotions with emotional intelligence.
EI being the ability to perceive emotions, understand them, and regulate them properly (Pearson 2017).

Social Learning: direct experience and observation. Four Processes: attentional, retention, motor reproduction, and reinforcement

Job Conditions

Having a positive core evaluation is critical for the success of an organization. Having a company that allows their employees to value themselves will directly relate to the value the employees will have for the company.
Having positive job conditions such as reasonable wages, respect for others values, respect of religion, and self, as well as being sociable with employees creates a positive working environment.

Self Determination
Theory is implemented to establish self-control. It also regulates the feeling for people to want to do work (Pearson 2017).