Sharks go extinct-Blake Wilson
trophic level
more population on plankton seals and whales
in 2100 -40% less then we have now
bullsharks are known to eat humans
death to human affects familys and friends that would affect the familys and friends daily life.person doesnt go to job anymore hurt the business
100 million sharks killed every year by humans
when sharks go extinct everything getts affected even things out of water like us
sometimes birds die when they are near the water
birds population wont go down as much
but every bird has a niche do worm population will go up and the dirt will be more fertalized
ballance the ecosystem
seals top predator
fish and squid
without sharks more seals less small fish becasue they are a food sorce
squids roll both predator and prey more population more death of fishes with more whales an even amount of squid
help us understand more about the ocean
with more whales we can get more research for marine life but with more whales plankton fish and squid numbers will go down