Students should take a year off after high school before joining college or university.

learn to be independent
before joining college or university

frees the pathway for evolving to become more independent

gain work experience by learning how to conduct oneself in public, communicate with people,and get the idea of working

save some extra cash for tuition or books

setting up a life outside of academic work


have time to figure out what they want to do in life

not all students coming out of high school know what they really want to do

some think they want to do something until they find out the particular career path

find themselves by exploring the world throughout the work field

prepares students to strive for a better education


students’ appreciation



gain experience

learn of career opportunities

thesis statement

Opportunity to enhance, relieve stress and recharge.

Students learn to be independent
before joining college or university

have time to figure out what they want to do in life

opportunity to enhance, relieve stress and recharge.

spending 12 years in study with the high expectations is exhausting

Grinding for a high school certificate isn’t a light work as it requires much hard work.

allows students to still be focused but more relaxed


A gap year is when students take a year off after high school and don't go straight to college.

students usually travel, works, or do something to promote their time off from education

Thesis statement

Opportunity to enhance, relieve stress and recharge.

Students learn to be independent
before joining college or university

Gives time to figure out what they want to do in life