The Concept of 'Brain Gain' and Cognitive Complexity

Necessary Changes as Educators

Necessary Changes as Educators

Seek to understand the world around our students

Seek to understand the world around our students

How can we teach not only content and standards, but transform our practices into teaching effective thinking, effective action, effective relationships, effective accomplishment, and digital wisdom?

Use the Bloom's Levels of Taxonomy to teach standards by integrating technology!

Use the Bloom's Levels of Taxonomy to teach standards by integrating technology!

Misconceptions About Technology

Misconceptions About Technology

Do we as educators underestimate our students?

Do we as educators underestimate our students?

Do we focus too much on the problems technology can cause and diminish the potential significant benefits that it can provide

Do we focus too much on the problems technology can cause and diminish the potential significant benefits that it can provide our students?

Always Connected: Realities of Our Students' World

Always Connected: Realities of Our Students' World


Must become entrepreneurial to
solve society's new problems

Society is constantly embracing new

Society is constantly embracing new

Benefits for Students Immersed in Technology

Benefits for Students Immersed in Technology

Students' brains are enhanced by technology

Creativity will lead to job security

Creativity will lead to job security

Prepare for future careers

Prepare for future careers

Encourages collaboration and NETWORKING with others

Encourages collaboration and NETWORKING with others

Maintains student engagement in the classroom

Maintains student engagement in the classroom

Provides new learning opportunities

Provides new learning opportunities