The Waves of Immigration

Ellis Isalnd

Ellis Island has a huge purpose in the process of immigrants coming to NYC. From 1892 to 1924, Ellis Island was America's largest and most active immigration station, where over 12 million immigrants were processed.

Obviously, today's arrivals are rto longer mainly European, and they
come from a much wider array of nations and cultures than their predecessors.

In the first wave of immigrates in New York City's new immigrants
were overwhelmingly Russian Jews and Italians. seekign the American Dream. As time progressed many more immigratns from different countries found there way to Elllis island .

Reserach Question: How does immigration create diversity?

Conclsusion: We can concluded as time progressed the immigration waves has created diverisiy in many aspects. Cultural diversity that accompanies migration caused new perspectives and experiences to be exchanged.

Main topic

The main reason why immigrants have left their homelands to come to Americ
are complex and multifaceted. It has always been too simple to see immigration to this country as a quest for liberty and freedom.

Research Question: How do immigrants lose their identity after moving to a differnt country.

Fact: Many immigrates migrate to new countries for better
work options, standard of living, political freedom and more.

In 1880, just before the mass migration began, only 12,000 foreign-born
Italians lived in New York City;

Today no two immigrant groups dominate New York that way, and most
immigrants come not from Europe but from Asia, Latin America, and the

The top three groups in
1990-Dominicans, Chinese, and Jamaicans.