Tom Sawyer

Chapter 4

Places where it takes place

cardiff hill

Tom and Huck go in search of a treasure that they would find under a dead tree but before they cross in front of an old house

the old house

Tom and Huck find two people, a stranger and Injun Joe, who was hiding a treasure that he had stolen.

characters that appeared

Tom Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn
the spaniard
Injun Joe

Chapter 6
Under The Cross

Places where it takes place

mcdougal's cave

Tom and Huck sneak through a hole and inside the cave they begin a search to find the place where Tom had seen Injun Joe thinking that the treasure would be there, once they arrive they find nothing but digging they find a narrow hole that leads to a narrow place that seemed to be where Injun Joe lived in which the treasure was, a box with two thousand dollars

the mississippi river

the boys take a boat and advance up to eight miles to a certain place where is the hole that I think he later took to get out of the cave

tom's house

half the town meets to be amazed by the discovery of the treasure by Tom and Huck making him the richest people in the town thus concluding the story

characters that appeared

Tom Sawyer
huckleberry finn
Aunt polly
half the village

Chapter 3
On Jackson's island

Places where it takes place

the mississippi river

the boys cross this river to get to and from the island, they also fish here and it is because of the boats that pass through here that they realize that they are looking for them, it is mentioned that someone has already drowned in that river

jackson's island

They temporarily escape to this place where they live for a few days playing until late, here they smoked until they became strange tones


the boys appear in the middle of their wakes to be received by their relatives with joy that they are alive (except huck)


The Muff Potter trial takes place where Tom confesses what he saw in the cemetery the day of the incident

characters that appeared

Tom Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn
Joe Harper
Aunt polly
joe's parents
Tom friend's
Becky Thatcher
The minister
The Judge
Muff Potter

Chapter 5
In the cave

Places where it takes place

the river

Becky's birthday picnic is held

mcdougal's cave

After the picnic the kids go in to play but Tom and Becky get lost in the cave for three days in which Tom finds Injun Joe but they both get scared and Tom runs back to Becky, finally they use the river to escape and return home

Becky's house

Tom and Becky return tired from the cave and after a few days he tells Becky's father that injun joe was in the cave that was sealed, (when they arrive at the cave they find injun joe dead)

characters that appeared

Tom Sawyer
Becky Thatcher
Becky's friends
Huckleberry Finn
Mrs Douglas
Becky's father

chapter 2
In the graveyard

Places where it takes place

little st petersburg jail

Muff Potter is locked up for a crime he didn't commit but he doesn't remember what happened


Tom and huck hide and see how the doctor intends to dig up a body along with injun joe and muff potter but they end up arguing and injun joe kills the doctor with muff potter's knife

characters that appeared

Tom sawyer
Huckleberry Finn
Injun Joe
Muff Potter
Sheriff's men

chapter 1
Tom and his friends

Places where it takes place

tom's house

tom talks to his aunt and runs out of here with an apple


tom and huck carry a dead cat to see ghosts


Tom is late, is scolded by the teacher, and befriends Becky.


Tom tricks his friends into painting the fence for him in exchange for items by pretending it's funny

characters that appeared

Tom Sawyer
Aunt Polly
Tom Teacher's
Becky Thatcher
huckleberry Finn
joe Harper