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What will Virtual Reality be like in the future?
We have commented that VR is the present, but it must be added that it is still in a moment of technological development and expansion. For this, large companies are investing huge amounts of money in order to integrate it into all areas of our society. According to estimates provided by IDC Research, the estimated investment in VR and AR for 2022 will exceed 15,000 million euros.
Given these figures, it is not difficult to deduce that sectors related to leisure, tourism and the industrial sector will undergo a complete transformation in the coming years. Projects are even being carried out where Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality combine their technologies.
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Many video games already have this technology that allows improving the 3D graphics, immersing the user in the story and, above all, facilitating their use with accessories that are less and less intrusive and simple.
This is one of the most extensive fields of use in which technology can be applied, whether for college or university. Virtual reality allows you to visit museums from a distance as Google did with the exhibition on Frida Kahlo; to designing buildings or learning about constellations and planets.

It is also used in the field of health, for example, in cases of specific surgery to virtualize and simulate parts of the body before an operation. Also, for therapies that help treat phobias or trauma.
Immersive training without injury to third parties in the fields of medicine, aviation, security and public order.
Manipulation and analysis of three-dimensional objects of any size and from any angle.
It allows the learning of activities and concepts in an easier and faster way by using sight, hearing and touch.
It offers virtual environments to people who are unable to leave home, creating spaces for social interaction.
The cost of this technology (hardware) is still high. Creating a virtual reality system can cost around $ 20,000.
In certain cases, a large physical space free of obstacles is necessary.
Most of the VR material is created in English, which is a learning problem for many students.
"Get hooked" on the virtual world. Possibility of preferring interactions in the fictional world than in the real one.
The price of the devices to enjoy the medium-high range Virtual Reality is high.
In the words of Franco Melly, editor-in-chief of PerúSmart, virtual reality "is an environment in which technology tricks your senses so that you feel as if you were in another place." In other words, it is a computerized simulation of diverse spaces in which we can interact and explore as if we were really there.
Although it may not seem like it, virtual reality is not something new. The difference is that in the 70s and 80s it took gigantic teams to achieve less ambitious results. Today, however, we already have lenses that give us a superior experience.
Devices Needed to Enjoy VR
Virtual Reality requires glasses and a high-end computer that is ready for VR. It is also possible to change the computer for a mobile phone, but the experience is less immersive. Microsoft's Samsung Gear VR and Windows Mixed Reality are an example of Virtual Reality glasses on smartphones.
For use with a computer, the most recommended glasses are the Octulus Rift and the HTC Vive. Remember that they need a PC compatible with Virtual Reality.
Video consoles also allow Virtual Reality, and for those who only play with a console and not with a PC, you have the PlayStation VR at your disposal.