What it means to be a good citizen By: Sidra Homam (Civics and Careers)
Political Idealogy
set of shared ideas or beliefs about the role of government and how society should work.
Political Perspective
looks at the way in which a person’s beliefs and values can affect his or her position on, or response to, civic issues.
Respecting Religions and Races
Bad Examples of People who respect race and religion
Ann Coulter
"Our black people are better"
"Immigration Equals the Destruction of America"
"Jews need to be perfected"
Donald Trump
“Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”
Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans
He began his 2016 presidential campaign with a speech disparaging Mexican immigrants as criminals and “rapists.”
Seperation of Migrant children from familes.
Imprisonment of Migrants with no criminal record
Good Example of a person who respects races and religon

Justin Trudeau
“to build a better, more inclusive country that recognizes the contributions of all, and creates better opportunities for more Canadians.”
In Canada and many democratic countries there is a large number of groups from different racial backgrounds and with different beliefs and religions. As shown in many areas of Canada, we must accept these individuals because just like us they too are human beings. Unforunatly through media and false news, religions are over shadowed by false rumors. Religions are deep and meaningful. For someone to have values, beleifs and opinions does not give another permission to mistreat them.
Refraining from using stereotypes to classify races and religions.
Never isolate or tease a person for their skin colour or religion
Rights and Responsibilities
Held Accountable for actions
Whether politicians or Authority everyone must be held accountable for their actions
Respecting others rights and responsibilites
Following through with your own resposiblities
Responsibility to Vote and participate in civil events
Responsiblity to Respect the environment and community around you
Support and Defend constitution
Stay infromed of issues affecting your community
Participate in the democratic process
Pay income and other taxes on time and honestly
Serve on a jury when called upon
Your rights as a citizen
Right to vote in elections for public officials
Right to run for elected office
Freedom of worship
Freedom To express yourself
Human and immigrant rights
Immigration Rights ARE Human Rights
Not disciminating against migrants who are looking for refuge
A bad example of respecting this would be Donald Trump and his immigration law. The act of seperating and imprisoning migrant families is againt the rights of humans and immigrants. Assuming that immigrants are terrorist or criminals is very offense and is not tolerated.
Respecting a others humans rights
Do not deprive a person of their human rights
Do not come between a person or group of people and their human rights. An example of this deprivation to clean drinking water. (Click hyperlink)
Respecting Authority
Store and Contruction Workers
Police Officers
No matter your profession you will be held accountable for your actions.