Wolffish Conservation
Freshwater availability
Global warming
warmer waters
water aciditiy
Ocean Dead Zone
Fishery Observers
Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW)
Access to fish resources
negotiate fish price
no fish wasted rule
No retention of wolffish
Eats Green Sea Urchins
Causes kelp deforestation
Reduces Urchin Barrens
Large body
Slow breeding periods
slow turnover rate
Antifreeze protein
Cancer research
Marine Practices
Reevaluate carbon emissions
Fishing boat
Live release
Curbs extinction
Toxic-free equipment
Lead-free tackle
Use all parts of the fish
Government Intervention
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Data collection
Population structure
Life history
Population genetics
Species association
Canada's Habitat Stewardship Program
Habitat Protection and Securement
Habitat Restoration
Change land management
Mitigation around roadways
Species at Risk Act
Legal protection