Work or Concert #1

2. boss

3. talk to your boss about the situation

4. ask boss to leave early or start inventory earlier

5. will I get fired?

2. details

3. write down date and time of concert

4. Let boss know ahead of time of your plans

5. By having important dates scheduled on your phone, less changes to double book your responsibilites.

2. friends

3. talk with your friends about the situation

4. sell ticket

5. Will my friends be mad at me


3. change your shift

4. ask colllegues for help

5. can I get anyone to change my shift?

6. Work as late as possible and start inventory early

6. Always have important time and dates on yourcell phone and add reminders if neccessary. Make sure to inform your boss ahead of time.

6. tell your friends if boss agrees, you may be a bit late save me a seat.

6. Ask your colleague to take or help with your shift and you will help with theirs next ime.