World Religions


Christianity has a Jewish heritage

According to christian scriptures, Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of a virgin named Mary who was betrothed to Joseph.

Jesus was nthe foundedr of Christianity

Jesus gave is life for his followers on the cross and svd us from our sins. he resurrected to his father in heaven

As the resurrected Jesus visited his apostles, he commissioned them to baptize all nations, and spread his teachings.

The Christian Faith is all over the world and is continuing to develop.

Christians believe that Jesus was human and that he suffered in his last days in order to accomplish forgiveness of sin and human salvation.


Buddhism was founded over 2500 years ago in India.

a boy that was born to a queen and a king was the creator/ founder of Buddhism.

siddhartha stayed in a state of meditationn for seven days (or seven weeks according to other versions) pondering his future.

Siddhartha came to be known as the Buddha

The Buddha was born into the Kshatriya caste and therefore was born a Hindu.

The Buddha died in 486 BCE

The five precepts are the rules followed by Buddhist lay people to control behavior.


Muhammad Ghandi was the founder of islam

they believe Gods name is Allah

they have the 5 pillars of islam - they are rules veryone must follow

in islam they do nt use any symbols to present thye faith.

the holiest book in Islam is the Qur'an

devorce is not encouraged but it is premitted, they just dont accept that it is premitted

Muslims approach death with hope instead of fear because they hope that when they pass they will reach paridice and attain the beautiful vision of Gods own countenance


hinduism often promotes the practice of arranged marriages

Hinduism was not founded by any paricular individual

Dharma. hindus refer to their religion as Dharma, which means code or moral and rightousness duty. the concept of Dharma pertains to the responsibilitys of the individgual

the significance of the cow. most hindus refrain from eating beef sice they consider the cow sacred and holy. "holy cow" is a framilliar expression that hindus reference.

swastika. the swastika is a good luck symbol in the hindu religion. the himdu swastika is usually illustrated in red and is used on wedding invitations and decorative drawings

Mantras: psalms of praise that constitute the main body of Vedas

The Puranas: the word Purana means "old narrative" they are smritis that form a distinct category of Sanskrit religious literature.


According to Hebrew scriptures, around 200 BCE, Abraham received a vision from God.

Abraham was instructed to move to a special land to raise a nation.

Abraham was the founder of Judaism

Diaspora: it is a Greek word meaning "sowing of seed" or "dispersal".

The Maccabean Revolt: around 168 BCE Antiouchus IV Epiphanies converted the temple into a shrine to the Greek God Zeus.

The Romans: in 64 BCE, the roman general Pompey came into Jerusalem to expand the Roman Empire.

Jewish belief centers on the idea of the oneness of God and the compassion God shares with Creation in the form of the covenant.

Aboriginal Sprituality

there is no known founder for Aborginal spirituality

there is roughly 80% of all indigenous peoples in asia

many adhearents of Aboriginal spirituality believe that everything in the world i alive and living.

this has many different practices and rituals like the sun dance, the morning dance, the potlach ceremony, the sweat lodge and the smudgin ceremony.

in Aboriginal cultures, prayers are passed to a new generation by telling and retelling of events, they call this oral teachings.

in many Aboriginal communities Elders act like councellors and teachers to aboriginal youths coping with the challenges of a contemporary society.

the vision quest is a rite of passgae to adulthood

the turtle island. many believe that the earth was built on a turtle that was covered in mud in a great storm.