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The five senses diagram for kids

The five senses diagram for kids

Our senses help us to understand what's happening around us.

Let's learn more about them!

Keywords: interactive exercises, learning the five senses

The five senses diagram for kids

The five senses for kids

This template explains the five senses for kids, with simple words, asking them to complete with examples of things they can feel, smell, taste, hear or see. They will learn about the sense of taste, touch, sight, smell, and hear. They will have fun learning new things!

The five senses

Senses send messages through receptor cells to our brain, using our nervous system.


How we taste:

Tongues also have chemical sensors to give a sense of taste.

Thing you can taste

List a thing you can taste.

Example: cake, chocolate, pizza

Add a describing word for that thing.

You can choose from the examples below:



How we smell:

Our noses have sensors that detect chemicals that make up a smell.

Thing you can smell

List a thing you can smell.

Example: laundry detergent on clothes, perfume, food from the restaurant

Add a describing word for that thing.

You can choose from the examples below:



How we hear:

Our ears have sound sensors in the inner ears.

They also have sensors that work on keeping you balanced and aware of where you are in your environment.

Thing you can hear

List a thing you can hear.

Example: clock ticking, birds chirping

Add a describing word for that thing.

You can choose from the examples below:



How we see:

Our eyes translate light into image signals so the brain can process them.

Thing you can see

List a thing you can see.

Example: sunset, picture

Add a describing word for that thing.

You can choose from the examples below:



How we feel:

The receptors from our skin send touch signals to the brain.

Thing you can feel

List a thing you can feel.

Example: sand, a fine silk coat, a fluffy teddy bear

Describing word

Add a describing word for that thing.

You can choose from the examples below:


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