Kategoriak: All - macromolecules - lipids - amino - nucleic

arabera Zoe Cohn 6 years ago


Cohn- Macromolecule Concept Map

Macromolecules are essential biological compounds that play diverse roles in living organisms. Proteins, composed of elements like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, are crucial for muscle movement, immune protection, and substance transport.

Cohn- Macromolecule Concept Map

Cohn- Macromolecule Concept Map


Nucleic Acids
Examples: DNA, RNA

DNA- double helix (spiral), souble nucleotide chain RNA- single nucleotide chain

Characteristics: nucleotide has 3 parts (phosphate group, pentose sugar, nucleotide),
Functions: make up DNA and RNA store and transfer information from parents to offspring, hereditary information (transmit and store)
Elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, Nitrogen
Monomer: Nucleotides
Characteristics: Peptide bonds, 4 layers- structure, chain coils or folds, shape allows proteins to do their job, 20 0f their monomers ( amino acids) found in living organisms, r group and functional group, without shape proteins will dissolve and die, temperature and pH can denature a protein

4 layers and their structure:

Primary layer-sequence of amino acids

Secondary layer- chains coil or fold. Two types: alpha helix and pleated sheet

Tertiary layer: attraction between alpha helices and the beta sheets

Quaternary Layer: one or more chains bonded together ex: collagen and hemoglobin

Eacn amino acid is the same excpet for the variable (function ) gourp.

Some Polar, some non polar

Amino acid chained to plymer

examples: muscle, hair, skin, pepsin
Functions: hormones, muscle movement, protect against germs (immune system), transports substances throughout the body
Elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Oxygen
Monomer: Amino Acids
Characteristics: Lipids are not polar and hydrophobic, saturated v unsaturated fats, phospholipid has hydrophobic tail and hydrophilic head, structure: glycerol and 2 fatty acids, comprise most of cells membrane, phospholipids found in the cell membrane

structure: glycerol+ fatty acid

Long hydrocarbon chain

Examples: fats, oil, phospholipids, steroids, wax
Functions: Energy storage, cushion organs, insulates body
Monomer: Triglycerides
ex: sugars, starches, cellulose, gllycogen
Characteristic: Always in 1:2:1 ratio

Ex: C6H12)6

Characteristics: structure=function, carbs=sugars, sugars end in -ose (glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose), cellulose is found in the structure of plants, sugars classified by number of carbons
Examples: butter, milk, pasta, butter
Functions: quick energy, energy storage, structure of plants
Elements: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Monomer: Monosaccharides