Kategoriak: All - security - regulation - competition - technology

arabera Deniz Cecen 2 years ago


Issues of The Corporation

Corporations operating globally face significant challenges, particularly when it comes to safeguarding technology and intellectual property from misappropriation. Instances of foreign partners allegedly stealing technology highlight the risk of antitrust actions and the pressure to transfer technology to local firms to remain competitive.

Issues of The Corporation

Issues of The Corporation


CPC’s hostile takeover of foreign tech companies and their intellectual property -Zhangjiagang Glory Chemical IndustryCompany executives suspected that their former Chinese partner might be stealing DuPont’s intellectual property, and the company became subject to antitrust action for its unwillingness to license its technology to a local firm Firms will often sell or transfer technology will be amplified when it believes that if they don’t their competitors will
Corporations face many difficulties when preventing their technology and trade secrets from being misappropriated or leaked through soft coercion Foreign firms expanding in China often don't speak out about the unfair regulatory treatment they face Corporate leaders often cut research and development funding when shareholder activists show up at their doors. Weak economies and job losses from the forfeiture of technological leadership have serious political and social implications. The decreased economic prowess of corporations within liberal democracies has ramifications that extend to national and international security, all the way to the survival of the global economic commons itself. Liberal democracies like Europe, U.S. and the Indo-Pacific region must also double down on their commitment to provide sufficient financial and human resources to

Multinational Corporations and Nation States

Successful companies produce more wealth than some countries

Human Rights

MNC's v.s Local Firms
3) The more MNCs there are in a country, the less human rights are respected
2) Local firms respect human rights less if the gvt has less strict labour laws.
1) Generally MNC's respect human rights more than local firms. This is because they face more pressure from the international community and are under closer "watch" by many NGO, activists etc. Therefore these MNC's like to keep up appearances and maintain good SCR.
The Environment
MNCs can exploit the natural resources of a foreign country. In some cases, like that of Australia's mining corporations in South Africa, work may have explicitly negative effects on both human rights and the environment.