19th Amendment
4th Amendment
4th Amendment
4th Amendment
2nd Amendment
2nd AmendmentRight to bear armsCan have weapons for hunting, self defenseLaws vary state to stateCan't have destructive devicesCan't be a felonNeed to follow laws of whatever state you're in
4th Amendment
4th AmendmentSearch and SeizureGovt can't search you/property without a warrantSome instances they don't need a warrant, like if evidence of crime is in plain sight or there's a safety emergencyGovt needs probable causeSchool only needs reasonable suspicion
6th Amendment
6th Amendment
6th AmendmentRights to a fair trialRight to speedy and public trialRight to impartial (fair) juryRight to know who is accusing and for whatRight to an attorney if you can't afford one
8th Amendment
8th AmendmentCruel and Unusual PunishmentFines and bail can't be excessivePunishment should fit the crimeSome argue that the death penalty is cruel and unusual
14th Amendment
10th Amendment
10th Amendment
10th AmendmentStates RightsThe federal government only has what powers are listed in the Constitution. All other powers go to the statesThis guarantees federalism
12th Amendment
each elector must cast distinct votes for president and vice president instead of two votes for president... this amendment requires a majority of the electoral votes for vice president and president for that person to be elected vice president by the electoral college
14th Amendment
granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the united states including former slaves- and guaranteed all citizens "equal protection of the laws."
Main topic
26 Amendment
16th Amendment
16th Amendment
16th Amendment
allows the united states to collect an income tax from all Americans
18th Amendment
declared the production transport and sale of intoxicating liquors illegal, though it didn't outlaw the actual consumption of alcohol
22nd Amendment
20th Amendment
the terms of senators and representatives ends at noon the third day of January, and the term of president and V.P ends the 20th day of January
22nd Amendment
limits an elected president to terms in office a total of eight years... if more than two years remain of the term when the successor assumes office, the new president may serve only one additional year
26th Amendment
26th Amendment
24th Amendment
prohibits both congress and the states form conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax.
26th Amendment
the right of united states citizens, who are 18 years or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or any state account of age.
1st Amendment
each elector must cast distinct votes for President and V.P instead of two votes for President... This Amendment requires a majority of the electoral votes for V.P and President for that person to be elected V.P by the electoral College.
1st Amendment
1st Amendment
1st Amendment
1st AmendmentFreedom of Expression:ReligionGovt can't favor a religionSeparation of church and stateGovt can't keep you from practicingYou can choose not to have a religionBelieve what you want!SpeechSay things you believe inMake art, use symbolsCan't put people in dangerPressYou can publish what you wantYou can read/watch what you wantCan't publish lies to intentionally harm someone(slander)AssemblyCan protest, meet in groups to talk about beliefsCan't violate public safetyPetitionCan complain to govtCan get people to sign a petitionCan't do it anywhere/anytime you want
3rd Amendment
3rd AmendmentGovt can't put military in your home without your permissionProtects our property
5th Amendment
5th Amendment
5th AmendmentRights of the AccusedRight to remain silentCan't go on trial twice for same crimeGovt has to follow all correct procedures to protect everyone's rightsEminent domain: Govt can take your property for public use if they compensate you
7th Amendment
7th AmendmentJury in Civil TrialsYou can ask for a jury in a civil trial if the dispute is more than $20
9th Amendment
9th Amendment
9th Amendment
9th AmendmentPeople's rightsYou have more rights than what are just listed in the Constitution and the government can’t take away whatever those rights are either
11th Amendment
Courts can't hear cases and make decisions against a state if it is sued by a citizen or a person who live in another state or country
13th Amendment
got rid of slavery in the united states
19th Amendment
19th Amendment
15th Amendment
Gave permission to African American men the right to vote
19th Amendment
17th Amendment
gave people the right to vote for their senators instead of the state legislature
19th Amendment
gave women the right to vote
25 Amendment
23rd Amendment
21st Amendment
the transportation or importation into any state or territory
23rd Amendment
allows all american citizens residing in the district of Columbia to vote for presidential electors, who in turn vote in the Electoral College for President and V.P.
25th Amendment
25th Amendment
if the President becomes ill or is unable to do his job the vice president takes over until the President is better
27th Amendment
Prohibits any law the either increases or decreases the salary of members of congress