95 Theses
What does it look like?
Exerpt from the 1517
"95 Theses"
Written in expert black calligraphy,
possibly written by a professional
Old and aged paper,
slightly yellowed/browned.
Who wrote it? Why?
Martin Luther
Luther was a Germen Monk
who was an expert in thelogy
Had a greater unerstanding of the
churches ethical values.
Due to the fact that he is
German, he mainly went
after German Churches
How does the author communicate ideas?
Listing Method
Wrote his argument in a list
Lists often repersents having problems, so Luthers lists repersented his problems with the church.
Sudgests having a problem by making lists
Philosophical arguing called syllogisms to clearly show his audience his points.
Premise --> concusion
This reasoning shows he is educated thoughly in this type of argument.
Put his list of rules prists should actually follow directly on the churches door.
What are the big ideas?
Repentance, indulgences, and penince.
Who can forgive sin?
Good Christans do not need to buy their spot into Heaven.
Anyone is worth to talk/have a relationship with god. not just Preists and the Pope. Every one is "goog enough".
What ideas are left out?
Luther's ideas mainly involved christans in Europe, as he is from Germany.
Those in support of the churches methods --> in favour.
The justification for why the church did what they did/their own values.
Whose perspective does it reflect?
Martin Luther's the main prespective.
As well as his followers.
Mainly a German point of view on the church because of the distance between them to Rome.
Focases on the christian ethics, not quite the establishment of the church.
Whose perspectives are omitted/questioned/challenged?
Bluntly questioned the members of the churches(Pope, Prists, ect)
Disputed facts that the Popes were so powerful.
Challanged the church by how they are abusing their power as religious figures for wealth and power.
Directly challenged and questioned the churches authority.
Nailed his list to the door.
Which questions can this source help me answer? Which can it not?
Can help me asnwer questions
Does the church have any discruptencies in its authority?
Martins views are based on (theology.
Can't only tell if it's based solely on theoretical
What Luthers views are
Problems people had with the Catholic Church (during the 1500)
What can it not help me answer?
How far is the scope of the change?
Does it reach Spain? or France?
Who was in suport of the
churches methods.
What change did majority of people want?
If the public still favoured its methods
Who was in suport and who was not in support.
Result in Change
This primary topic did result in change
Movemnts against the Catholic Church.
New concepts of forgiveness. Individuals are able to seek the divine themselves.
Pretestant reformation.
Repentance of an individual
New ethical principal snd concepts
Sparked protest for reformation.
What did it reveal about the past
Attitudes and beliefs in the era.
Reconizing of the church's corrupt bias.
The begining of the transition of the church's authority and a more individual outlook on life.