Think of 2 to 3 examples of activities that you have experienced while in school, or have observed during contract teaching/school experience which required you/students to chart the learning outcomes, activities and select resources.

For each example, explain:- Where were the learners on the SDL Spectrum ? Why?- What were the challenges faced? Why?



Ain : Project Work.

In Junior College, we did PW throughout our Year 1 . We are required to choose our own topic of interest as a group. As a group, we have to explore the topic on our own and made use of all the resources we have for the project while the tutor will occasionally check on us.

Aden And Lynn!!!!!!!

Lab Experiments

1)self managed learning
2) challenges faced: students may not understand instructions , may not remember what they have previously learnt thus not being able to apply the prior knowledge in the experiment

AED 106

1) Self Directed Learning
2) Challenges Faced: Lack of prior knowledge in the field of psychology, alot of reading up to ensure we had prior knowledge,

Jasmine, Vernicia, Sheramin

SDL: AeD 105

Challenges faced : Need to decide the learning outcomes by ourselves, and to decide the deliveries ourselves.

SPL: AED 106

Challenges faced: The ability to link certain physcology theories to the individual scenarios.


Challenge faced: Unsure of the equipment and machines usgaes. The properties of the material and the proper way of handling "dangerous" materials and machineries.

Marie, felicia, beishan

Home Econ

We had to search for our own recipes and nutrition facts. (Self managed learning)

Different various methods for cooking a single dish, and we can get rather confused which is the best and most reliable.


Victoria, Chloe


Self- Directed Learning

Students can choose their own areas to focus on.


Self conducted research

Main topic

Main topic

Clarissa, Junity, Melissa

Science experiments

Teaching students to think independently.
- Guidelines are given, but they have to explore on their own.
- They have to clarify their doubts so as to complete their tasks and get desired outcome effectively.

- Primary school students does not have the necessary skills to think independently.
- They do not know if they made a mistake while doing the experiment.

Art drawings

Self-managed learning

o Topic is given, however, students have to use their creativity skills and portray out their ideas in art form

- Some students may not be able to come out with ideas.

Main topic

Main topic


Audrey, Exther

Chemistry lab experiment, D&T, Home econs.

Challenges faced: Students may not remember the exact produres to achieve the desired outcomes.


Main topic

Minee+Kiat Kah+Yixiu: Project work (SDL because we chose our own topic, did our own research to form our research paper, report and presentation.)[Challenges: Not sure if we were on the right track and it creates confusion. Difficulties organising information and format/order of final report.]

Main topic

Samantha & Hairil


All of the spectrum

Little prior knowledge to the topic

WITS Project

Self -managed, self-planned, self-directed

Getting on finallizing the ideas and solutions

Main topic