order fullfilment definition
The Order to pay process
Asiacell Order fullfilment
Technical Department or Commercial Department Issue RFP or RFQ - (Request for proposal or Request for Quatation)
Telecom Operations
Cost of the equipment (CAPEX Cost)
offers evalaution s techinically and commercialy is a must before any decsion
Select the vendor of choice
Issue the PO (purchase order) and establish the contract
Agree on Delivery time schedule to the WH
Agree on the implementation plan and RM (responsibility matrix)
Make the first Down Payment DP
Depending on the PT
Accept and confirm the equipment or items after delivery and vlalidated for dispatch from the WH on the WHMS
After the acceptance the the payment will flow for vendors based on the agreed payment term in the contract
if the equipment rejected - notify the vendor and stop payment
Start the impmentation of the project after dispatching to the site
Go with the UAT (User Acceptance Test)
Go live if the tests passed
Roll back if the tests failed