Balanced Reading Program

Read Aloud

Can base mini lessons off of each text

Extend lesson with crafts, create your own ending, retell chart etc

Whole group lesson

Can be made cross curricular

Text chosen by Teacher

Difficulty Level is a bit higher than students reading level

Can use a variety of texts

Teacher Led

Read what students are interested in

Discuss reading strategies

Use prior knowledge to make predictions, inferences, and real life connections to text

Text should always be introduced

Students are in their sit spots on the carpet


Running records can be used throughout to keep track of progress for each student

Oral retell, predictions, inferencing can be used to assess comprehension

Check if students are recognizing sight words

Use anecdotal notes during guided reading sessions

Ask questions during and after read alouds, guided reading and independent reading

Assessment used to develop next steps for each individual student

Independent Reading

Students are working on their own

Text should be level appropriate for each student

Choose books from book bags or levelled bin in class library

Not a lot of support from teacher

Students can choose where they would like to read

Students should read for about 10 minutes with no interruptions

Students are encouraged to use different reading strategies as they read

Shared Reading

Interactive, students can join in

Gradual release of responsibility

Text is modelled first for students

Can work on different skills such as expression, intonation, enunciation etc.

Still very much teacher led lesson

Can be whole class or small group

Use and practice different strategies

Use a variety of different texts

Level of texts should be on par with students

Guided Reading

Small group reading

Students are grouped according to reading level or specific skills to practice

Rest of the class is working in partners or independently

Teacher led but students are participating and engaged

Variety of texts

Can include different activities such as picture walk, make predictions, look for sight words etc.

Read book together as a group

Text should be at students level or just higher so students do not get frustrated

Students are at the back table

Each student in the group has a copy of the same book

Lesson should last about 10-15 minutes