
Improves the occupation in low seasons

The business tourism does not involve amusement, but practically one travels in order to exchange ideas between professionals of industries or companies, this way to reach an agreement and to acquire own experiences of his trades.

Helps to raise the average expense of the visitors.


it is based explicitly and only in relating ideas based on the business , for which one travelled.

In some cases the business tourism can take amusement and entertainment, but in any cases this type of package is not included.

one travels in order to acquire new experiences in the professional area.


Privileged class


High expense per day. Stays or long permanencies.

Utilization of the services you guide, interpreters, etc.

Utilization of the more rapid means of transport.

Occupation of the most select hotels. Extensive tours of every country.

Bourgeois class


Invest in tourism all his savings. They use the own car.

Services of the first category, but not of luxury. They prefer package tours.

Short stays, according to the relation of the level of prices of the visited country.

Visits to the tourist places. Trips in epochs of vacations.

Juvenile class


Utilization of means of economic transport.

Housing shop of campaigns, refuges, put and others.

Preference to the natural places. Brief stays in every point.

Void utilization of travel agencies. Contempts for mundane places.

Little I spend per day. Long itineraries. Neither guides nor interpreters use.

Popular class


Is of vacation character. Briefness of times in the trips.

Special advantages on the part of the governments and railway companies.

Obtain contribution of the empresasdel State and the associations.

Creation of special housings for the governmental institutions.
