Chapter 7: Energy Systems and Muscle Fibers
Energy Systems


Anerobic Alactic (ATP-PC)
02 not required
Takes place in the cytoplasm
Energy source is creatine phosphate
No by products
1-2 chemical reactions
1 molecule of ATP
10-15s duration
Super quick surge of power
100m sprint
Jump events
Shot put
Fatigue quickly

Anerobic Lactic (Glycolysis)
Takes place in the cytoplasm of cells
Begins with the breakdown of glucose into pyruvate
02 not required
Provides rapid but limited energy for short bursts of intense activity
Due to the accumulation of lactate and depletion of glycogen stores, the glycolytic system is not sustainable for prolonged periods of activity
A net gain of 2 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.
Lactic acid buildup causing a burning sensation in the muscles
Lactic acid is a byproduct
15s-3min duration
Fast surge of power
400m run
Hockey shift
HIIT circuit
Glucose as an energy source


Aerobic (Cellular Respiration)
O2 required
Location of activity is the mitochondria
Cells break down glucose and other organic molecules to produce ATP
Cellular respiration produces a large amount of ATP, with oxidative phosphorylation contributing the majority of ATP production
Provides a highly efficient way to extract energy from glucose molecules, maximizing ATP production
Consists of three main stages: glycolysis, the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle), and oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain)
Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products.
Produces 36 molecules of ATP
2min and beyond duration
Slow and complete breakdown of glucose
Cross-country skiing
Long-distance swimming
Fatigue resistant
Energy source is glycogen, fats and proteins
Cellular Respiration Pathways

Occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell
Begins with one glucose molecule
Produces a net gain of 2 ATP molecules
Produces 2 pyruvate molecules
No oxygen required
Breaks down glucose to provide energy and intermediates for further cellular respiration steps
Krebs Cycle
Occurs in the mitochondria
Provides high-energy electrons for the electron transport chain.
Begins with acetyl-CoA
Produces CO2 as a waste product
Produces a small amount of ATP directly

Electron Transport Chain
Inside the inner membrane of the mitochondria
Produces ATP
Oxygen accepts electrons and forms water
Produces most of the cells ATP during respiration

ATP is the primary energy carrier in all living organisms.
Energy stored in high energy phosphate bonds
Powers the contraction of muscles
Provides energy for cell growth and division
Adenosine Triphosphate
"Free Energy"
Common Energy Molecule
Carbs, fats, and proteins are all resynthesized into this molecule to become usable sources of energy.
Relies on the action of phosphocreatine
ATP is generated through cellular respiration in the mitochondria
Stored in muscle and easily accessible

Nitrogenous base
five carbon sugar molecule
Connected by high energy bonds
Energy sources

Simple sugar, also known as a monosaccharide
Primary energy source of the human body
Essential for brain function, as neurons rely primarily on glucose for energy
During exercise, muscles rely on glucose for energy, especially during high-intensity activities
Belongs to the carbohydrate group, abundant in many foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains
Metabolized through glycolysis, where it is broken down to produce ATP
Excess glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen for later us

Stored form of glucose
Found in the liver and other muscles
Liver glycogen helps maintain blood glucose levels between meals and during fasting periods
Muscle glycogen provides energy for muscle contraction during exercise
It is a polysaccharide, meaning it consists of multiple glucose molecules linked together
Acts as a readily available energy reserve that can be quickly mobilized when needed
Glycogen is broken down into glucose through glycogenolysis when the body requires energy
During prolonged exercise, muscle glycogen stores can become depleted, leading to fatigue
Glycogen stores are replenished through dietary carbohydrates, particularly after exercise or periods of fasting

Creatine Phosphate
High-energy compound
Acts as a rapid and readily available energy reserve for muscle cells during short bursts of intense activity
Provides energy for activities like sprinting, weightlifting, and jumping, where the demand for ATP is immediate and intense
Creatine phosphate stores are quickly depleted during high-intensity activities and are not sustainable for prolonged endurance efforts
Stored primarily in skeletal muscle tissue, with higher concentrations in fast-twitch muscle fibers used for explosive movements
Creatine supplementation is popular among athletes and bodybuilders to enhance short-term performance during high-intensity activities
Creatine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from amino acids
After use, creatine phosphate can be regenerated during rest periods when ATP demand is lower
Key Nutrients

Fats serve as a dense form of energy storage in the body.
Fatty acids
Saturated or un-saturated
Found in foods like oils, butter, meat, nuts, and avocados
Contain large quantities of stored energy
Found is muscle cells and adipose tissue
Must be consumed with food
Serve as building blocks for cells and tissues, and perform various functions in the body.
Essential for growth and repair
Amino acids
linked together by peptide bonds
20 different amino acids, each with a unique side chain
Some amino acids are essential, meaning they must be obtained from the diet
Found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, and seeds
No protein reserve

Main source of energy for the body, especially for the brain and muscles
Dietary guidelines suggest consuming a majority of calories from carbohydrates, mainly from whole food sources
Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a ratio of 1:2:1
Include sugars, starches, and fibers
Simple vs Complex carbohydrates
Simple Carbs: Rapidly digested sugars found in foods like fruits, candies, and soft drinks
Complex Carbs: Starches and fibers found in foods like grains, vegetables, and legumes
Found in foods like bread, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products
Glucose & Glycogen
Muscle Fibers

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibres
2-3x faster contractions than slow twitch fibres
Paler in colour
Tense and relax quickly
Generate large amounts of tension with low endurance levels
Type IIa (FOG)
Fast-oxidative glycolytic
Intermediate force production
Low energy efficiency
Hockey shift
Type IIb (FG)

Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers
Red or dark colour
Generate and relax tension
Maintain lower level of tension for longer duration
Long-distance ideal
Type I (SO)
Fatigue resistant
Generate energy slowly
Mainly depend on anaerobic processes
A protein that stores oxygen in muscle cells
It has a globular structure, similar to hemoglobin
Gives muscles their reddish color.
Has a higher affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin, making it efficient at storing oxygen in muscles
Facilitates oxygen delivery to muscle tissues during periods of increased activity
Abundant in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells
Helps muscles sustain aerobic activity by providing oxygen when needed