Community Goal- Joining The School Choir
What information do you need to make that decision?
1.When do auditions for the choir take place?
2. Where does one get information on getting involved in this community?
3. How many meetings does this group have every week? Month? Year?

What are the alternatives? Consider your values and what is important to you.
1. Joining a different club such as a sports team or band.

2. Taking part in other community activities outside of school such as big organisations.
3. Taking time to donate items to foundations and such.

What are the pros and cons for each alternative? Choose the best alternative that suits you.
*underlined=best alternative for me*
-allows for me to truly tap into my athletic side
-gives me the opportunity to create a new grouping of friends
-Allows for me to explore a new hobby
-Takes more time then the choir, meaning I have less time to do other things that I love
-Isn't as thrilling as I have taken part in both athletic and music based clubs in the past

2) pros:
-Allows for me to get more involved in my community
-Ensures that I will spend more time outside of my house then inside doing nothing of importance
- Gives me the opportunity to meet many new people
-Most communal activities are not in walking distance from my home meaning i would need to travel by car or bus to get there
3) pros:
-I would be contributing positively to the community
-would improve the lives of many
-it is not always feasible to donate items in terms of fincances
-there is only a finite amount of items that I could donate

Joining the School Choir
What is a community goal that you want to complete before the end of high school?
Re-examine your plan. You may need to re-think your goals and adjust your plan
1. Sign up for the club as soon as possible
2. Practice whenever possible to advance my singing skills.
3. Audition for the choir with every last bit of effort that I have.
How will you put your decision into action?
By Signing up for the choir as soon as the club restarts.