comunities in canada Harbir
1917 took away right to vote
don't belive in public,schools or wars

overal treated positivly
today mennonite vote
more than hafe Mennonite live in Canada
Eighteen Mennonite groups live in north amarica
almost 200 000 mennonite call canada home
many Mennonite are succseful farmers
5 largest community in Canada
chinese got paid $ 1.35 and people of caucasin got paid $2 for the same work
forced to build railroad from Ontario to British Culombia
1858 arival of chinese
not aloud to vote untill ww2
before ww1 germans were treated nicely but after ww1 germans are treated badly
after ww1 they stoped teaching german curciculam in public schools and there were riots in winnipeg and victoria
after ww1 germans were labeled enemy alians
the fedral goverment passed a law and detained german immigrants.merchant marine and millitary reservists were also captured.
germans were treated negetivly

German prisoners
The British were the first to come to canada just after the french. they fought with the French and the Amaricans,and established their colonies in Canada. They have been the rulers of Canada since that time. They decided the fate of other nationalities in Canada.
Since that time Canada has been Britan`s ally,supporter and subordinate.
Beacuse of this strong relationship, Canada joined Britan in WW1
There is an old connection between Canadians and the British Empire because of school curriculam and culture.
Overal Britans were treated positivly

Bukingam palace queens palace

kings demand for house of parlament
schools in UK
brigde of london
Big ben clock tower
head tax was charged per person who ever wanted to enter canada
overal chinese were treated negitively

chinese building railroad