Content-Based Instruction and Task-Based Learning

Content-Based Instruction

second language teaching in which teaching is organized around the content or information that students will acquire

The role of teachers: - They must be knowledgeable in the subject matter and able to elicit that knowledge
from their students - put material made by them - Varying classroom instruction
- group work and team building
- Organization of puzzle reading arrangements
- Help students develop coping strategies

The role learners: autonomy, students must explore to learn English, be psychologically prepared to face situations, receive information.

Variety of materials
magazines, books, texts, videos, advertisements, audios, television

Types of learning and teaching activities – vocabulary building
– discourse organization
– communicative interaction
– study skills
– synthesis of content materials and grammar

Task-Based Learning

an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language teaching.

The role learners: -group participant
- monitor
- risk-taker and innovator

Teacher roles:
Additional roles are also assumed for teachers in TBI, including:
-selector and sequencer of tasks
-preparing learners for tasks

The role of instructional materials
pedagogic materials
language teaching texts cite a “task focus” or “task-based activities” among their credentials, though most of the tasks that appear in such books are familiar classroom activities for teachers who employ collaborative learning

1. listing
2. ordering and sorting
3. comparing
4. problem solving
5. sharing personal experiences
6. creative tasks