
Chapter 92 in M.A

Approved by the governor may 3, 2010

It states that any type of behavior or disruption that may harm any student inside or outside the school grounds by the use of technology or any type of electronic device will be severely punish and shall be reported to the local enforcement laws authorities

Some Cyberbullying
Does not require legal

Ex. Minos teasing.

Schools have their legal rights to intervene in cyberbullying incidents even if those incidents were initiated outside of school grounds if it can be proved that the incident resulted in a harmful disruption of the educational environment.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington (2000)

Emmett v. Kent School District No. 415

Emmett was initially expelled but the punishment was later modified to a 5 day suspension for creating a web page entitled the “Unofficial Kentlake High Home Page”

the school district failed to proved that the web site was “created to threaten anyone, did actually threaten anyone, or manifested any violent tendencies.

The school district was unable to show that anyone listed on the site was actually threatened by the site, or that it resulted in a significant disturbance at school.

cyberbullying behaviors
Under Criminal legislation

harassment, stalking and,
felonious assault

Many States are still
waiting to approve this policy

“Bullying or harassment of any student or school employee is prohibited through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, or computer network of a public K-12 educational institution.”

Some of this States are;Arkansas, Florida, Hawaii,
Idaho, Utah, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, and Washington

Anti-bullying policy should contain the following elements:

•Specific definitions for harassment,
intimidation, and bullying (including the electronic variants)

•Graduated consequences and
imediate actions

•Reasons for reporting

•Reasons for investigating

•Steps for preventing bullying during workshops, staff training, curriculum enhancements