Not Aim as One stop solution
Cannot replace enquiry/project handling
To store TGRC information - can be easily found
Aviod double efforts
Centralized location - save time for data mining
Now we have super manual, RSL can work
Potential Users
Technical colleagues
Type of Information
Level of information
Test item (digested info
Supporting info
Official info
NGOs, trade association info
Contain info of projects/enquiry
Contact persons for know-how
People can directly contact them instead of TGRC
What TGRC can do/cannot do
Self-training / start-up materials for new comers
Allow mult-dimentions filter to select right info
Set permission for access of information
Alert function for upcoming requirement
Flexible exported output
Share info via correspondin info via key words
Easy to use. Someone without much technical bg
can also find the info.
Once the related information is updated, corresponding output can be updated automatically
Types of output
Summary Tables
Test Plans
Why better than eDoc?
Compare current company databases,
and identify the gap for our needs
eDOC is an eTRF / eTP tool
TP is one type of KM output, KM > eDOC
need to consider user interfaces that sit
on top of eDOC (e.g NAV, Intergator for
National Deviations)
eDoc's output is not flexible
Same set of data for different output > cannot accommodate the needs for different purposes (differs in content level, display of data, formats).
Man-power and time to build in data
Budget $$
Add-on features
Project management tools?
Reporting tool - enquiry statistics? team capacity?
Automation? e.g. link to chemical inventory
Closest thing to a KM database?
C2P + data analysis tool (e.g. Power bi or CDMS) + Diigo
Examples of database
Subport - CHEM database
UL Navigator
C2P (need licence)