Digital marketing
reseach for Chaf Pozi

step 1: Establishing goals :

Chaf Pozi has a goal of having an
online + delivey option on their
website that will be actively used
by its current and potemtial
consumers .

Step 2 : Determine
sample :

The sample that will be used will
be 80 people who are between the
ages of 22-30 with the persona of
young working adults, specially
aiming at the black youth . The
reason for this sample is that the
black youth resignates with
traditional food and shisa nyma as
they grew up with traditional food
due to their culture and shisa
nyama (braai) is associated with
celebrations within the black
community . People between the
ages of 22 -30 have or are
outgrowing fast food and are
looking for fast food delivery
services that cater food that is
similar to home cocked meals that
will satisfy their craving and food
that will be able to be used at
hoem gatherings as the people
within this host at their home and
try to create a home feel , hence
why the service of delivery suits
them as the food that they are
looking for to create the vibe and
satify the craving can be delivered
to them in these occasions.

Step 3 : Choose data collection

The type of data
collection methos that will
be used is a quantitative
method with the use of
secondary data .
Secondary data will
provide us the correct
infomation as the data will
be coming direct from the
consumers whos oponions
we need in order to
create a online and
deliver service that they
view is easy to use and up
to date which will lead to
the satifaction of their
needs . Qualitative
method of collecting data
will be used due to web
analytics providing the
benefit of the ablility to
see trends and compare
that work and dont work
surrounding the topics of
the business that are shisa
nmyma , braai meat and
traditional foood .
Surveys will have
questions such as how
many hours are you
willing to wait for a
delivery, on a delivery
service website for food
would you perfer a
descrition of the food /an
image or both how many
times a month do you
order food on a delivery
service. This will tell us
which options do the
potential and current
consumers prefer , and
what they would like to
see which will make the
development of the
website easier as it is
developed in the eyes of
consumers which will lead
to the consumers wanting
to use the platform as it
suits thier needs in a
website form .

Step 6 : Formulate conclusions and

From the infomatio we have
recieved from our reserch , we
have gain insight intermes of when
to launch the website it has shows
us that the peak of when
consumers are looking for a
busniess like ours its between the
months of the end of March , mid
june to early July and early
dece,ber and feb . whci indicates
us that these are the best times to
launch the website and increase
advertisement within those
websites in order for word of
mouth to sperad and crate growth
. Wuth the google seraches , the
gap thats in the market is food
arives cold or in an unpersentible
way which makes consumers less
willing to order from the same
place again . This gives us
infomation that our pakaging for
the delivery service needs to have
the ablility to keep the food warm
and presentable which will lead to
a customer value creating a
competeive advantage .

Step 5 : Anlyse the data

Once the data has been collected ,
we will analyse the web analytics
by comparing the trends from the
last 12 months of words
associating with the business to
see the prak time which will
indicate to us when to launch the
website and increase
advertisement . With the
infomation recived from google ,
we will compare the reviwes on
online delivery services to see
where the performance gap is and
provide the customers with the
missing gap , creating a
competitive advantage for us .
With infomation from the survey ,
we will see which options our
consumers choose the most and
develop the online delivery
website based on the most chosen
to provie customer satisfaction .

Step 4 :Collect the data

The data will be collected by :web
analytics - The
web analytics will be collected by
using google
trends to see when best to
advertise the launch of
the website through the interest
over time chart
which tells us the search peaks of
when key words
that are associated with the brand
(braai'ed meat
,traditional food ) this will benifit us
with the
undertsanding of the peak seasons
of which we ill
use to advertise the launch .
-Google : With google , we will
use data from
websites that have reviews on our
online deliver services to identify
the gap in oerder
to create a stregety that will lead to
a competitive
advantage .
- surveys : The surveys will be done
on google forms
which will be done by customers
who visit the
restaurant in order to see the
specifics of what our
consumers want to see on the
website from us .