Grace Sullivan-Ferrala
I want to get good scores on
my math work and math tests.
I will hopefully accomplish this
by paying close attention in
class & learning on my own
so I can understand more.

Main topic
I want to improve my
art skills. I will hopefully
accomplish thus by try-
ing different ways to draw
to get out of my comfort

I will try to stop staying up
so late to play video games
and get the sleep I need. I
will accomplish this by
shutting off all electronics
and getting some rest.

I want to be more positive and
respectful more to family and friends, mostly in the mornings.
I will hopefully accomplish this by watching what I say and act and others that I'm not in the best mood so that they know.

I want to listen to more music
and get into different bands. I
I will hopefully accomplish this by listening to different songs and see if I like that band.