International Trade Finance

ensure $ paid for intl sale of goods

Methods of Effecting Payment

Financial Instrument

Instructs bank to pay indicated party

eg: cheque

Payment in Advance

Letters of Credit (LC)/Documentary Credit

Regulated by UCP

issued by ICC

supplementted by eUCP(electronic guide)

Effective Application

Not an intl treaty/convention

expressly incorporated into contract

Art 1 UCP

terms interpreted by courts(jurisdictional)




defined Art 2 UCP

arrangement: IB acts on request and instructions of C

Customer - applicant for credit

IB instructed to

(a) make payment

to the order of a 3rd Party (Beneficiary)

or to pay/accept bills of exchange drawn by B

OR (b) authorise another bank to effect such payment

to pay/accept/negotiate Bill of Xchg

against stipulated documents

provided T&C of credit complied with

Guarantee from 3rd party


performance bond

documentary credit

standby credit

Different Types of Credit

Art 6a UCP


obligation to honour can be withheld

contrary instructions from C

lower fees (to bank)

Art 8(a) can be cancelled by IB w/o notice

Art8(b) reimburse othr bank if docs accepted prior Notice of Cancellation


Art 9(a) definite undertaking - IB has to honour credit once S fulfils terms*

regardless of C's instructions

Art 6(b) clearly indicate

Art 6(c) absence, deemed irrevocable

Confirmed CreditArt 9(b)

AB confirms LC

undertakes to pay S on presentation of docs

AB becomes CB

confirm irrevocable LC

Guarantee from 3rd party

Documentary Credit

"documentary bill"

bill of exchange

a/c by shipping docs

S sends doc bill

direct to Buyer

accepts/pays on bill

return to S

arrange collection thru bank

S's bank (remitting) despatch doc bill to collecting bank

CB (in B's ctry) instructed not to part with it til payment/acceptance

Standby Credits

similar to guarantee

payment on presntatn docs

promise by IB to pay S

default by B (IB's Customer)

not used to effect payment

certain events only

Sight Credit

payment against documents

sight bill of xchnge is drawn on IB/AB

terms: *that payment will be made

Deferred Credit

*that payment will be made per contract

Acceptance Credit

S present term bill of xchange to IB/AB

accepting bank pay at maturity of accepted bill

*that IB will accept drafts

Negotiation Credit

S draws bill of Xchange on IB

AB (authorised by IB) negotiates bill

*that payment will be made w/o recourse to drawers/bona fide holders of bill of exchng

Transferable Credit

Art 48 UCP

a. beneficiary has right to request bank to effect payment /acceptance/ negotiation to 1/ more parties (2nd beneficiaries)b. credit can be transferred only if expressly designated as “transferable” by IBc. bank required to effect transfer is not obliged to effect such transfer except to extent & manner expressly consented to by bank

"Back-to-back" Credits

issued at S’s request to his supplier(entirely distinct from the credit issued at B’s request to S)

Involves contracts between parties in at least 2 different countries

Seller's obligation is to deliver the goods

Buyer's obligation is to pay

Doctrine of Strict Complicance(strict principle)

Raising finance - Security of Imported Goods

common form of security

pledge of goods

bills of lading

other shipping docs

trust receipt

B undertakes

to hold docs released on trust for Bank

sells goods as agent for bank

holds proceeds on trust

applies to all contracts involving credits

'payment against documents'

payment effected on transfer of documents

documents in order

Art 4 UCP - parties deal with docs only



buyer & seller unknown to each other

in breach of contract

goods sent are wrong

innocent party can't stop bank from paying under LC

banker is not concerned with contract of sale

Art 3 UCP

seek remedy: breach of contract

Hamzeh Malas & Sons v British Imex Industries Ltd

buyer has to seek remedy for breach in separate action

'fraud exeception'

Sztejin v J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation


fraud brought to IB's attention

before docs presented

IB's obligation should not protect unscrupulous seller

S restrained from calling payment under LC

courts will interfere with IB's obligation to pay under LC / Bank can refuse to pay on docs

establish: S acting fraudulently in tendering docs under LC

constructive knowledge sufficient

ought to have known when every reasonable care is taken