Introduction to BCOM 301

In person
In print
Online Tools

TED Talks
Course YouTube Channel
Google Sites

Social Media

Meeting learning needs
Relate to your own work experience
My feedback and feed back from classmates, team members
Learning styles
f2f- minimal lecture. Emphasis on doing things, activites, practice com skills. Like learning how to ride a bike
Use Discussion Board on Blackboard
Gives variety in the topics. Not everyone writing on the same item. Boring!
Respond one other classmate

Laptop required in class
Everyday use to write, research individually and in teams. Knowledge tests online
Not to worry if you don't have smartphone. You will share for some activities

Team Projects
1. RE-write a Paper
2. Write an original paper others will learn from
2 pages with links to info sources
Select from 5 topics
Embed Prezi or PowerPoint
End with 5 insightful, make you think discussion questions, Others will use you paper and discussion questions!
F2f- also an oral presentation
Exceed expectations
Embed TED Talk, TED Ed or YouTube
Online and f2f- Create a YouTube
Use the project checklist to review before submitting
3. Write a significant analytical research paper, 7-13 pages long. All BCOM 301 have same activity and requirements
APA style
Table of Contents
Bibliography with hyperlinks
Create a PowerPoint of Prezi to visually support
Online- Create a YouTube with all team participating. F2f- oral presentation
Must contain an original chart or graph- no cut and paste from the internet
Select one from a list of 23 possibilities
Another team will review your work and give you feedback. You will have time to revise and submit the final to me.
Exceed expectations
Don't use Prezi or PowerPoint, create a Google Site webpage
Team skills
OTIF- On Time In Full
Who does what by when
Accountability- your team members can fire you and then you fail or have to repeat the class
Same as real world of work
You evaluate your own team members for each of the 3 projects. Yes! Teams throw non-performing members under the bus!
Video conferences reduce cost
Used in online courses
Build skills in visual support during business presentations

Prep for real world of work
Digital Native
Digital Immigrant
Virtual, online teams
OTIF - Accountability