Leading Team
Question 1
Team ≠ Group
Shared goal/purpose
Work interdependently
Team Functionality
Sacrifice independence
Many individuals refuse to listen to others' opinions. Egoistic attitude and refusal to conform to teamwork & discussion will tend to lead to a dysfunctional team.
Persevere free-rider problem
Question 2
Avoidance of accountability
Individuals often do not dare to accept responsibility
Lack of passion & commitment
Conflict between personal interest & group interest
Question 3 & 5
Typical style used:
Compromising style (meet half way)
Better alternative:
My way
Question 4
Separate the two having conflict
Listen to underlying interests & logical reasoning
Attempt to include both interests, or;
Choose the one which best fits the team's purpose
Question 6
Agree that small teams works best
2 is better than 1. 5 is better than 10.
A unit size of 100 may work efficiently provided that they;
i) Diversity team into smaller groups (Group A, Group B, Group C)
ii) Assign responsible & accountable Team Leaders
iii) Develop a reporting system & network
Question 7
The existence/nonexistence of free-riders may intensify/decrease dilemma about teamwork.
Free-riders' existence may demotivate group members to put in 100% effort
How to handle: Enforce & delegate tasks accordingly and ensure team members put in full effort accordingly. Design penalties if see fit.
Only reasonable and valid excuses may be accepted for delay or inefficiency of work.