LeRoy De La Pena Career Strengths

LeRoy De La Pena Career Strengths



Arrange to have conservations with people who are currently in careers that interest you. By hearing their stories, you will be­come better able to determine whether those environments and careers would suit your talents and interests.

Cooperative, interactive, educational, and political environ­ments are likely to bring out your best.

Environments that allow for significant social interaction on a daily basis will allow your Communication talents to flourish. Steer clear of environments that do not offer this opportunity, as they might drain your energy.



Interview people who are currently in jobs that interest you. Talk to them about how they feel in those roles.

Interview teachers, counselors, and clergy members and ask them how they use their talents in their work.

Seek work environments in which emotions are valued and not repressed. The rich emotional economy will be the perfect envi­ronment for your Empathy talents.

Environments that provide regular social interaction and an op­portunity to collaborate with others will allow your Empathy talents to flourish.



Environments that encourage teamwork and foster social inter­action and integration and will bring out your best.

Environments where you can play a welcoming role, such as in orienting new employees or recruiting minority staff, can allow your Includer talents to flourish.

Make the most of your willingness to include outside sources by talking to a career counselor about your interests and what you are passionate about. Talking things through with a knowledgeable counselor can give you confidence in exploring the possibilities.



Your ability to imagine a preferred future can be applied to the career planning process. Imagine yourself on graduation day -- and five years after that. What are you doing? How did you create the opportunity?

Use the connections you establish in your jobs during college to network for the career you envision for yourself after graduation.

Choose a career in which you can help others envision the future and inspire them to create it.



dentify formal or informal leadership roles on campus where your Activator talents can flourish.

Consider becoming an entrepreneur. Make of list of possible businesses you could start, grow, and sell once they show a prof­it. Understand that you may lose interest once an enterprise is so fine-tuned to the point that it runs on its own.

Powerful Activator talents make you good at the starting line. Look for work environments that will reward you for getting people out of the blocks quickly.