Live with Love in your Heart
Drenched in Gratitude
Helps protect us against the spirit of entittlement
Humbles us
Helps us to feel closer to the Savior and appreciate the atonement more
The Spirit of Entitlement separates us from God and is the opposite of living with gratitude in our hearts.
Having an attitude that the world owes us something.
Wanting something for nothing
Rationalizing sin
Being overly concerned with rank and material things.
Doctrine of Inclusion
We need to love and respect our neighbors despite our differences.
Put forth the effort to understand and be kind to our neighbors.
Reach out to our neighbors in their time of need
Don't exclude based on difference in religious, political or cultural differences.
work harder to build mutual respect, an attitude of forbearance, with tolerance one for another regardless of the doctrines and philosophies which we may espouse. Concerning these you and I may disagree. But we can do so with respect and civility."- Gordon B. Hinckley
Concern For the One
Seek out those who are lost
Jesus Christ is our greatest example. He was surrounded by multitudes and spoke to thousands, ye He was always concerned for the one"- Joseph B. Wirthlin
All are alike unto God
Give encouragement, service and support to those who have strayed. Love them and be kind to them.
The Lord need the help of the faithful to work miracles on His behalf.
We can receive help and power from the Lord when we are in His service.
The Moving of the Water
Afflictions come to the innocent.
None of us are exempt from hardships.
Never ridicule the unfortunate.
Teach our families to not make fun of the handicapped or those that are different than us.
"They in their own way should become like angels who move the water, healing a spirit by erasing lonliness"- Boyd K. Packer