Kingdom monera
Eubacteria, or "true" bacteria are single celled prokaryotic microorganisms. eubacteria is formed by a cellular wall around them to keep thier shape.
Archaebacteria is single celled organism. Arecheabacteria it was named “archaebacteria” from “archae” for “ancient,” these unique cells are thought to be modern descendants of a very ancient lineage of bacteria that evolved around sulfur-rich deep sea vents.
Kingdom Fungi
fungi are decomposers. They sit in their food there for they dont need a digestive sistem and they can digest thier food where they are. Fungi dont move. Fungi are multicellular. Fungi eats dead food that is why they are decomposers. They reproduce by spores.pic
plante kingdom
plants are multicellular. plants can make thier own food by a proseces called photosintesis. plants take in carbohidregin and relise oxygen for most of the world. some plants reproduce by spurs and otheres by pollen.
kingdom animalie
The animalie kingdom is what us huamans belong to. most animals that belong in this gruop are vertabretes and invertabests. Some of them eat fruts, plants, etc. Others hunt and eat other animals. There are some animals that make both things.
Kingdom Protista
Protist cells are organized with a nucleus and cellular machinery called organelles. Simple organisms such as amoebae and unicellular algae were classified together in a single taxonomic category, that category has a name called: the Protista kingdom.