Managing Professional Development
1 Week Before Interview
A week before your interview you should research the company you are applying with and see how they are operating and find out basic knowledge relating to them. This will help you have a clearer understanding of the organisation and you will be able to answer more questions reagrding the company itself.
You should make a list of the questions you think you will be asked in your interview and the company itself and write down the answers, by doing this you will be more prepared and more relax on the day. For example you can write questions such as; What does the company do?How long has the company been in business for?Why do you want this job?What motivates you?Why should we employee you?By having your answers prepared it will show how willing you are for the job and not just wasting their time.

Formal Clothes
You should have a smart outfit ready if you have not got one this is the time you need to go and purchase one not leaving it to the last minute and finding something unsuitable and uncomfortable because you ran out of time. Your clothes should be formal, decent and shows that you are ready for the job your applying for.If you are a male you can wear a black suit with plain shirt and a tie and black smart shoes. No trainers, hats/caps, jogging bottoms and hooded jumpers.If you are a female you can wear an appropriate length skirt/black trousers with a shirt or blouse with a blazer or a black formal dress with a pair of flat smart shoes. No jeans, do not go over with jewellery and make up and make sure your footwear is comfortable and not very high heels
Go through your CV and cover letter, making sure your details are correct and the information you have put down. Make copies incase you will need to give it to the employers and one for yourself. Have your identification (passport etc) at hand and take with you incase you will be asked for as proof of ID, so you are not panicking on the day.

Go through the route you have to take to get to place where your interview will be, for example you can go on the TFL website and put down where your travelling from and to, by doing that it will give you an estimated time of how long the journey will be and planning the day.
1 Day Before Interview
Appearance counts so make sure you look decent. If you are a male make sure you shave as it shows you look after yourself and interested in the job.
The day before you should have your clothes that you are going to be wearing for your interview laid out and ready so you are not fussing around in the morning and not finding what you need.

Have your documents ready in a plastic wallet with your clothes so nothing is missing.
You should time yourself and actually go to the interview place from the route you planned a day before so you know how long it takes incase there is any delays. If you are planning to drive by car make sure you got enough petrol and you are able to get parking easily.
You should go through the questions you could possibly be asked and your answers so you are clear and prepared.
Make sure you set your alarm before you go sleep the day before the interview so you leave enough time to get ready and leave the house.
Make sure you get plenty of sleep the day before so you are not tired and have energy for your interview. Yawning while being interviewed will not help your interview.
The Interview
In your interview make sure you greet your interview with a handshake and smile, first impressions will always stand out with them.
Make sure you look interested in what they are asking you and showing you are confident when replying.
Answer the questions they ask you fully and to your best ability. Asking the interviewer questions at the end will show you are interested and have done research about the company and have some background knowledge about them.
Interview Day
Waking up/Breakfast
Make sure you wake up early and when the alarm goes off so you leave plenty of time. Try to have some breakfast that will give you enough energy for your interview.
Make sure your appearance is smart and shows you are interested in the job you are applying for and show you mean business.
Leave the house promptly incase there is any delays on public transport or traffic while driving. Being on time is key for first impressions to the interviewer.
If you have sometime while your travelling to your interview place, you can go though your questions and answers so it is fresh in your mind.