Inuit people

Inuit people often make their chothes out of animal fur, quills feathers and even trees
Inuit people are able to create beautiful clothes
Inuit people have to make their clothes warm and thick

Inuit people lived in igloos
An Inuit man can build a igloo in 1 hour
An igloo is a shelter made of ice and snow

Inuit people use kayaks as transportion
Inuit people make kayaks out of wood
A kayak is a boat and is like a canoe
Inuit tools were usually made of stone or animal parts like bones, fur, teeth, and horns,
Some inuit tools are fishing rods, bow and arrows, knives,spears and ulus
Most Inuit tools are hunting weapons

Other interesting facts
A feast is held when a boy kills his first animal
The inuit group of people are 4,000 years old
Inuit people invented the harpoon and the kayak
Inuit people lived in this area

Inuit people often go fishing for food but they sometimes look for deer, antelope, and more!
Inuit used an ulu to butcher meat

Inuit people believe that all living and non living have a spirit
Inuit people believe that the after life is in the sky or ocean.
Inuit people believe that their ancestors could be seen in the northern lights