
I never actually liked eating but i like making cakes and pastry. Sometimes i make it from scratch and sometimes i don't.

Science was my favorite topic since I was little, i found it interesting and amazing. The scientists look very smart and know what they're doing. I want a job where I can work with science.
I'm very social but I do have some anxiety with me. My friends and I usually talk in chats online but if we want to go out, i'd have to cancel since my mother is overprotective of me going out alone.

I started gaming when i was little with my brother, although he's much older than me. To be honest i always got in trouble for playing games, but i don't play them as much as before.

Nature was always a part of my life and I've always loved going out to hike and see animals. I would never harm them.

Me and my family weren't always really close, since we've had our arguments and fights. But we always get along most of the time and mess around. I have some family in Colombia and El Salvador.