My Mind Map


Critical thinking


To be a critical thinker means to be open minded to new concepts, have the ability to question or make judgement calls and to interpret and evaluate reasoning. In other words, critical thinking is similar to thinking outside of the box. Thinking of what other people don't. This term is also known for being named after a Greek word meaning being "able to judge or discern"



Being strong at communication can be a very important life skill. It can give you abilities to exchange or communicate as well as examine others ideas. It can also help express your point of views in the most coherent and efficient way possible. Communicating different points of view, emotions and intentions can help others to communicate back in the best possible way.



Organization has always been one of my strong suit. Everything always feels off to me if tings were disorganized. I do not even like starting simple tasks if my space is disorganize. It is always my first priority. With that being said, I also lie to have my school work and hockey schedule organized and easy to manage in my phone/computer.

Learning styles



To be a kinesthetic learner means to learn something physically. This is also known as "hand on" learning. I enjoy being physically involved in group work and learning different topics in school. Some examples of kinesthetic learners are Animations, Interactive documents, setting a work timer or even walking around while working.



I also have always seen myself as a visual learner. Not only a hands on learner, but an instruction learner. Visual learners are also known for picturing heat they are learning in their hearts, remembering things that they have read or learned and they are very neat and tidy.



One more thing I am strong at is Auditory learning. This means that I can learn new things my listening or hearing something being taught. With this in mind, I love listening to what others have to say, however, I also can not wait to get a chance to talk and share my own ideas for different types of learning.




Hockey has always been one of my favorite sports. started playing in grade 3 and have been playing ever since. When I first started, I played forward and know I moved over t defense and have been with that position for the past couple of years. I enjoy hockey for the ice time, however, I also love the social aspect of it.



Baking has always been one of my favorite things to do. I started baking with my mom and grandma when I was little and as I grew up, started experimenting with new recipes. Some of my specialties in baking are cinnamon buns, brownies and especially chocolate chip cookies.



A big passion of mine has always been photography. It is one of my big dreams when I am older to have my own photography business, full time or even on the side. One of my absolute favorite things to photograph is nature and the outdoors. I have always found that there is so much beauty in flowers, animals and different trees.

Multiple intelligences

Self smart


Being sell smart means having the ability to know yourself. Knowing someones mood, intentions, motivations and desires. People who are known for being self smart would be philosophers, Social workers, and counselors.

People smart


Being "people" smart can be very similar to self smartness. Knowing when others, such as friends, are feeling different emotions. Being sensitive to other people's feelings can help by being sensitive to other peoples'voices, gestures and facial expressions to make sure they are okay.

Number smart


Being Number smart is also similar to being "Book smart" as opposed to "Street smart". It means being strong in numbers and intelligence and logically approaching problems, especially mathematical and educational ones. It also means being comfortable with sharing different ideas and enjoying reviewing data.




I always try my best to become involved in different sports and activities inside and outside of school. I have played on various sports teams through New Hamburg and Baden my whole life. From Tim Horton's Soccer, Wilmot Thunder baseball to now my seventh year of Hockey for the Wilmot Wolverines. I have also been on school Baseball, Badminton and Volleyball teams throughout Elementary school.



Being Honest has always been very important to me. To me, being honest with someone is the opposite of beating around the bush, I feel as though that is a waste of time. If everyone always talks about how we only live once and life is too short, Don't waste it lying to the people you love.



If you were to ask my friends, they would say I am dependable. If I make a promise to be there for someone for a sports event or a birthday party, or even just hanging out, I never break my promises. I always try to show up for my friends in the same way that I would want them to show up for me. To me, one of the most important things in friendship is support and dependability because it can help to make the relationship stronger.



Being a Green Person means being calm, collected and a good planner for the long term. Being calm and collected can be a very good quality in certain situations where stress would be involved. These would be situations such as Job interviews, Plane rides or Auditions of any sort. While those can be helpful, these qualities can also be useful in situations with helping friends cope, talk if they need to or get them help when they need it most.

Volunteer/Work experience



I have been babysitting for a few years now. I started babysitting my young cousin when she was 1 and a half. Her Mom would be working from home so her and I would spend time coloring, playing games and going on walks to the park. I mostly babysit her In the summer except for the odd weekend throughout the year if her parents are going out for the night. She is now four and this will be my third summer in a row living with her for a few weeks and babysitting her.

Wedding Server


I have been a wedding server at the Puddicombe House in New Hamburg since November of 2024 and I love it! My favorite part of the job is connecting with all of the other staff and learning the finer points of the job and how it works. I have worked at different charity events, weddings and fundraisers so far and really enjoy it.



When I started work at the Puddicombe, a few weeks later I got a new opportunity to be a cleaner in the restaurant part of the Puddicombe. Every weekend, My friend and I clean the Spa, Restaurant, Air bnbs outside. We go around to the different areas and clean up after people's stays throughout the week by mopping, vacuuming and wiping down everything and every room.




Something that has always motivated me is perspective. You can live a terrible life if all you do is compare yourself to others. If you look at things from a different perspective than somebody on social media or someone you are having a conversation with, it does not make you any less valuable or meaningful than others.

Future Plans


Having a good handle on my future has also always been so important to me. One of my greatest fears is falling behind. I have always tried to keep at least a few ideas in my head of what I wanted to do after High School so that when the time came to pick classes, I wasn't behind and I knew what I wanted to do.

Staying Active


To me, staying Active is very motivating. Something that I have always found motivating is getting up in the morning to work out. I do not do it often, however, when I do I find It a very good motivator for getting out of bed in the morning. Most weeks, I have a hockey game after school around 7-7:30 and I look forward to it and getting some excersise after sitting all day at school




Family has also always been very important to me. It is the one constant in life. Through the years families can change so much and there can be many unsolved issues. It is always important to me to have one person in my family that I can be close with and that about anything with. A few years ago, my cousins and I started having these yearly traditions of what we call "cousins nights", where all of the close cousins in our family get together and hang out. These are some of my favorite nights of the year and they are very special to me.



Trust is the number one most important thing to me. I have learned so many lessons in my life about trusting people. Every since then, I have been especially careful about who I trust. This is especially a big rule for new friends. Some friends are in it for the long run, however, things can fall apart and be unpredictable. With this in mind, I am always very careful about what I tell people.



Hockey is one of my all time favorite sports. Being on the ice and making new friends throughout the seven years I have been playing hockey, has made it even more enjoyable. playing the sport and position I love has made me very grateful that I have access to sports teams like this in our community. One of my favorite parts of hockey is the social aspect of it. Meeting new girls every year and sharing the love of hockey together.