Online Learning vs Classroom Learning
Human interaction happens online via virtual lectures, virtual discussions,face-to-face video workshops etc. While these conversations can happen in real-time, it is common to communicate learnings through pre-recorded lectures and webinars. Benefit: Educators can pull up media to answer a question directly, orfurther elaborate on examples.
Human Interaction involves physical interactions with a teacher and peers, and emphasis in-person, interpersonal communication and approaches such as brainstorming sessions, group projects and teampresentations. Benefit: Educators can better optimise student pairings & dynamics tofacilitate richer discussions.
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Students can access learningmaterials 24/7 if available online. Module tutors are always there to assist with any questions throughemails, messages and Skype calls. Benefit: Questions and issues can be addressed at any time, with the added benefit of giving the educator time to research and come back with asuitable answer/solution.
Students have to visit the physical location to speak with tutors face to face, during assigned hours. This can be limiting, especially for workingprofessionals. Benefit: Educators can work through the question/issue with the student, and identify gaps during the processeither as it relates operationally
Online tools and apps can help students understand concepts on a deeper level by providing problems they can interact and solve with in different ways such as logic puzzlegames, management simulations etc.Benefit: Simulation software can "play-out" the consequences of a decision over years to show their effecton a situation/organisation.
Role-playing scenarios can breakdown complex theories into practical applications by teaching students on how to apply them in the real-world, or how they impact thereal-world. Benefit: Human communication is fallible and imprecise, and this is an effective method of teaching how itcan impact life and work.