if you are wearing sandals , you do not have to wear socks.
everything has to have an order
When you get dressed in the morning there is a certain order.
first you put on your pants or shirt
then you put on your socks , then shoes.
you have to do it in an exact order, shirt could be first, in stead of pants
socks could be before pants
non examples:
this will be a lesson for k-4 special ed students
There is order in all subjects, at school. Math, science writing , reading..
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I will explain that there is order to getting dressed. We will talk about that.
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going to the bathroom has order
first you go, then wipe, then flush
get, wash hands, rinse.
making your own food has order
you cook noodles before you add dry ingredients in mac-n-cheese.
you boil the noodles in water