Project One
The Blue Board platform is a viable solution plan as it will enforce a rewards based system for employee's who earned it. This provides a worker with more incentive to be proactive and hospitable. In turn this leads to more positive customer reviews, which also means more revenue for the IHOP brand.
Through a power point video we will demonstrate the success stories behind collaborative technology like the Blue Board platform and other platforms alike. We will also explain in further detail about what the Blue Board brands stands for, and all of it's alluring benefits for aspiring organisations.
Each group member in Team Apple should have two to three annotated sources/ citations for project one.
This is data that will serve as evidence to further sell our argument on why the Blue Board app is very beneficial for IHOP now and long term.
Usage of images to further explore our argument in relation to our problem-solution.
Project Proposal/Team Charter in Memo Format
To state briefly , the IHOP brand under Dine Global Inc. has met scrutiny as of late through popular review apps such as Yelp due to poor customer service. Negative reviews reflect on IHOP employees who are not hospitable enough. Many reasons to concur as to why this is; with the main one associated with a lack of motivation.
Through a Google Forms link we will ask individuals with management positions questions relating to our project proposal.
This data will be a great piece of evidence